AP Macroeconomics

AP Macroeconomics Introduction

Advanced Placement Macroeconomics, or AP Macro, gives high school students exposure to college-level coursework in the area of economics. Students are exposed to a number of concepts specific to basic macroeconomic theory, equivalent to an introductory economics course that an econ major would study their freshman year.

AP Macroeconomics Course Goals

According to College Board, AP Macroeconomics will introduce students to key economic theories, including:

  • Basic economic terms and concepts
  • Measurement methodologies of economic performance
  • National income and price determination
  • Economic growth and decline
  • International finance
  • Exchange rates
  • Balance of payments

If your AP Macro course syllabus or study materials are lacking in any of the outlined sections above, use the study guide below as a supplement to your learning.

AP Macroeconomics Exam

The AP Macroeconomics exam lasts a total of 2 hours and 10 minutes, and is designed to test students on fundamental macroeconomic theory, concepts and policies. Students should have a sound understanding of economic theory similar to that achieved after taking a college level introductory econ course.

Not all high schools require students to take the AP Macro exam following completion of the course, but this will vary between schools and could affect the “AP” credit you might receive.


The AP Macroeconomics exam is based on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score possible. The exam is broken down into two sections:

  • Section I: 60 multiple choice questions worth 2/3 of the exam (70 minutes)
  • Section II: 3 Free Response Questions (FRQs) worth 1/3 of the exam (60 minutes)

AP Macroeconomics Notes, Concept and Themes

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