Introduction Welfare is a comprehensive term refers to the physical moral, mental and emotional well being of an individual. Labour welfare is an extension of the term welfare and its application to labour . The concept of labour welfare has received inspiration from the concept of democracy and welfare state. The importance of labour welfare measures was recognized as early as on 1931 when the royal commission on labour had come in to existence. The purpose of providing welfare amenities is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the workers – his social, psychological, economic, moral, cultural, intellectual development to make him a good worker, and thereby increasing his morale, productivity which in turn leads to the development of his organisation
“ A study on the effectiveness of labor welfare activities in Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates Ltd” will help to understand the welfare measures provided and how much it had influenced the employees and contributed to the organization
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To make a detailed study on the statutory and voluntary welfare activities of Nagarjuna. 2. To ascertain the level of employee satisfaction. 3. To find out the effectiveness and also draw backs of welfare measures of Nagarjuna from the employees’ point of view. 4. To provide some valuable suggestions for improving the existing welfare measure of the company.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY In a world of changing values, where ideologies are rapidly under going transformation, rigid statements about the field of labour welfare need to be revised. Labour welfare work is increasing with changing opportunities and need to meet varying situations. It is also increasing with the growing knowledge ,experience and technology. This study was