
Arguments Against Racial Profiling

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Arguments Against Racial Profiling
Since the fall of man, human nature is innately evil, and within the hearts of many, prejudice prevails. This learned characteristic has increasingly developed throughout the course of history and remains an imminent issue today, especially because America has allowed people of foreign nations to become a part of the homeland. As a result of the ongoing debate about racial discrimination in the twenty-first century, the media has dedicated a large portion of coverage to the issue, influencing both sides. Essentially, racial profiling is unlawful because it strikes fear into the lives of a specific race, creates an unprecedented distrust in government officials, and although some claim terrorism is on the decline because of racial profiling, it ultimately does not result in the broad termination of terrorists.
In past decades, ethnic minorities have suffered from the results of racial profiling. One prime example occurred after the Japanese government bombed Pearl Harbor. Japanese Americans throughout the United States were being sent to internment
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Latinos and Hispanics in the states are currently living in fear of their lives and futures; furthermore, they wonder whether or not their children will live in a land of opportunity or be forced to return to the ways of the past. With the newly elected president, Donald Trump, assuming office in 2017, undocumented citizens are especially on edge due to a former campaign promise he made to deport illegal immigrants. In addition, African American traffic stops have escalated in greater proportions, and police are sometimes caught violating the fourth amendment. Searching a person’s car solely based on the driver’s race is not “probable cause” and is not protected under the constitution; therefore, African American’s frequently hesitate to protest as policemen have become more aggressive in

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