Štefan Majtán* - Gabriela Dubcová.**
Everyday situations persuade us about very flexible applying of the newest scientific and technical achievements in the praxis of product marketing. All the more the product marketing represents an integration of technical, humanities and social sciences at opened European Union market. On this basis there arise many problems in the area of ethics, most of all in a situation when a producer or a seller do not take into account the ethics dimension but only a financial dimension of the product, either purposefully or subconsciously. In our article we can solve following topics: • Important theoretical principles of the product marketing and product marketing ethics • Related problems and determination of the marketing ethics and product marketing ethics • Most visible and actual ethics problems in the area of product marketing Identification of adequate customer protection in the European Union and in the • Slovak Republic consequently.
1. The Theory “Due Care” to Customers
At the beginning it is important to describe the basic principles of the known theory due care to customers. Its fundamental content is responses to question - Exactly what do companies and organizations owe their customers? [1] Due care theory involves: a. Design - products and services should meet all governmental regulations and specifications and be safe under all foreseeable conditions, including misuse by the consumer b. Materials – materials should meet governmental regulations and durable enough to withstand reasonable use c. Production – products should be made without defects d. Quality control – products should be inspected regularly for quality e. Packaging, labelling and warnings – products should be safely packaged, should include clear, easily understood directions for use, and should include a clear description of any hazards f. Notification – manufacturers should have a system in place