
Feminism in the Story of an Hour and the Yellow Wallpaper

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Feminism in the Story of an Hour and the Yellow Wallpaper
Adam Turay
Pro. Root
Comp 111
November 1, 2010

Feminism in “The Story of an Hour” and “The Yellow Wallpaper” “The Story of an Hour,” by Kate Chopin and “The Yellow wallpaper,” by Charlotte Gilman both stories are similar in that the two women were abused and totally controlled by there husbands which caused these women to seek for there freedom. These stories were written from the feminist point of view. Never, in the most cases in the stories these women had different reply’s to there own freedom as a result of the change. If you read both stories you will realize that both women were somehow controlled by their husband. In “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the narrator’s husband controlled her both physically and mentally. He does not allow her to have any sort of thing mentally or physically. Throughout the story she is totally imprisoned in her bedroom, especially to allow her to regain her health. She is not allowed to work and not allowed to read or write. She does not even have a day in the location of the room; she is coerced to be in almost throughout the story. Her husband John kept telling her that when she gets really well they will take a long visit to Cousin Henry and Julie. That visit did not take place (319). In furtherance, no one is allowed to visit her and she is not allowed to visit or to talk to anyone. It is so discouraging not to have any advice and companionship about her work but he says, he would soon put fireworks in my pillow case as to stimulating people now (319). In the “Story of an Hour” Mrs. Mallard had to deal with the same affliction. Her husband has control her body and soul; and she said there would be no one to live for her during these coming years. She would live for her self. Those statements clear assume that she was overjoyed of the death of her husband and she also said that she dose not believe that anyone had the right to impose a private will on a fellow creature (315) those kinds of controlling behaviors caused both

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