School of Management
How Diversity Influences the Work Process in Cooperation Projects
Supervisors: Marie Aurell, Marie Hemming
Author: Sofia M Westerberg
Master Thesis in Business Administration
September 2007
Title: How Diversity Influences the Work Process in Cooperation Projects
Author: Sofia M Westerberg
Supervisors: Marie Aurell, Marie Hemming
Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Course: Master’s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits
Background: Cooperation beyond organizational boundaries becomes more necessary because of the changing nature of the business environment. The project as a form of organization is very well suited to carry out difficult tasks, not only within organizations but also between them. This means that the traditional view of looking at projects needs rethinking; there is a growing spectrum of projects with wider objectives and a broader scope, which leads to a higher degree of complexity and uncertainty.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to get a better understanding of how diversity influences the work process in a cooperation project. Because the cooperation project is becoming a more common phenomenon, it is interesting to learn more about how diversity has an impact on its work processes and characteristics. Hopefully this study can be one input to managers in making decisions about if a task shall be carried out in a cooperation project group or not, and if that should be the case, what implications this can have on the project and its outcomes.
The research question is:
How can diversity influence the work process in a cooperation project?
Method: The thesis focuses on the development of the work process in a cooperation project, where the participants come from different organizations, and where there is a high degree of diversity. This is done through a literature review, observations
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