
How Does Steinbeck Present Curley's Wife

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How Does Steinbeck Present Curley's Wife
In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck presents Curley’s Wife having an amazing look. Steinbeck writes that, ‘she had full, rouged lips,her fingernails were red,she wore red mules. The repetition of the colour red here maybe symbolizes the fact that Curley’s Wife is confident about her appearance. The thing which stands out about her is when he refers to her as ‘good looking’. This might show that Curley’s Wife is confident about her looks and femininity because her dream is to be a film star. This might also show she wants to get attention from the men because she is regularly on her own and lonely.
Steinbeck also shows that Curley’s Wife is a danger on the farm. When she enters the room , ‘both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off’. This imagery could symbolise the dark and danger that Curley’s Wife brings with her. Some of that danger is, she could commit adultery with men on the farm. As the book is set during the 1930s where
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Women are seen in two roles. Firstly, as prostitutes in ‘cat houses’. The women in the cat houses are not named by their name but named by sexuality to the service they can provide men.

In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses symbolism to present the character of Crooks. His character shows us how black people were treated in the 1930's. It tells us that they were treated as outsiders and weren't worthy to share anything with white people, we know this due to Crook's having "his bunk in the harness room", I think that it is because his boss doesn't think it's right for Crook's to share a bunkhouse with the other men on the ranch, so Crook's is forced to sleep in the barn. This suggests that he isn’t treated like a human but as an animal.
Steinbeck also presents as intelligent Crooks is said to be intelligent due to the ‘Tattered Dictionary’ This suggests that he reads a lot and that he is serious about learning. This also shows that he wants to excel in his

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