
How Is Empathy Shown In To Kill A Mockingbird

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How Is Empathy Shown In To Kill A Mockingbird
Empathy is a quality many people value in others; in Maycomb county, many people show this. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee one main theme is empathy. C.In Maycomb, Alabama, racism is prevalent throughout the town. However, many people, like Miss. Maudie and as young as Scout, show empathy that leads to a more equal society.
As Jem, Scout, and Dill become older, they become more empathetic. ‘"Have a chew, Scout.’ Jem dug into his pocket and extracted a Tootsie Roll. It took a few minutes to work the candy into a comfortable wad inside my jaw” (301). Aunt Alexandra annoys Scout, so she starts crying and throwing a fit. Instead of Jem yelling at her in anger, he offers her a candy. Jem most likely learned from Atticus that is better to be kind. As Jem gets older he
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In the beginning of the book, Scout is eager to make Boo Radley leave his house. Her, Dill, and Jem eagerly play tricks on the Radleys. However, towards the end of the book she “walks around in his shoes” and realizes the life he lives. "'Mr. Arthur, bend your arm down here, like that. That's right, sir.' I slipped my hand into the crook of his arm. He had to stoop a little to accommodate me” (278). Scout kindly walks Arthur Radley home. She is always kind and gentle the time he is at her house. Scout never asks intruding questions, she just shows affection to him.
While the children in To Kill a Mockingbird show empathy, many adults do as well. Miss. Maudie and Atticus are two adults that are advocates of empathy and kindness in Maycomb. “His colored friends for one thing, and the people like us. People like Judge Taylor. People like

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