
Night By Elie Wiesel Essay

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Night By Elie Wiesel Essay
Zach Robinson 5.17.2011 p-3 Night Novel Essay

Elie Wiesel’s Night is a novel about himself and his family and their time in Auschwitz. This book describes the most gruesome event in human history, the Holocaust. It also describes the psychological effect that the Holocaust had on the young people and adults who survived the horrible event. In the interview with Bob Costas Elie describes some of the aspects of Judaism. The main setting of this book is in Auschwitz, a concentration camp in the Holocaust and is from Elie’s point of view. This book has a sad tone to it and this book has many different conflicts.
First off, Elie Wiesel’s novel Night is Elie describing his time in the biggest concentration camp
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An example of this is the descriptions of Auschwitz by Elie Wiesel. Elie also describes the crematories and gas chambers that were used to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe. Some psychological aspects of the Holocaust are that many kids knew that their parents were dead and had to go on with their lives.
Also, During Elie’s interview with Bob Costas, he describes how his community was mainly Jewish and how the shops in the town were closed on Saturday and on Saturday and on the Sabbath people changed and became sacred.
Lastly, the novel Night has two main settings. It takes place in a small town in Transylvania called Sighet. Also it takes place in Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp in the Holocaust. This book is told from the point of view of Elie. The tone of this book is a distraught tone. There were many conflicts in Night there was Man vs. Man with Jews against the Nazi regime. There was Man vs. self when the Jews had to tell themselves that they would make it through the Holocaust and survive. Lastly there was Man vs. nature when the Jews were running around in the night for 40+ miles.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed reading Night because it gave me a better understanding of the Holocaust and what it felt like to be in a concentration

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