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paragraph 175

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paragraph 175
Bill Katin
German 59

Paragraph 175 Paragraph 175 is a documentary about the homosexuals that were singled and killed for being who they were. Most of them had resided in Berlin during the 1920’s and during that time that’s what the town was known for homosexuals until the Nazi’s came into power. When I watched the movie Paragraph 175 my first reaction was disbelief in the regards of how they were treated. I got teary eyed for the simple fact that these grown men and the exception of the one women, were still torn by the events that took place. I thought the movie had some unnecessary parts in the beginning as far as showing nude pictures of guys I really asked myself were those even needed. The words alone that the victims were saying was enough to make the movie to me. The victims not only suffered the torture inside the camp, but they had to deal with the pain when it was all over. Heinz F. said when he got liberated he couldn’t even go to anyone to talk to about what happened to him. When he tried no one would listen they would brush him off saying it’s over now get over it in so many words. His father had passed away about time he got out and to him that was the only person he felt would listen. When I saw him break down and cry it put me to tears because I felt his pain on a personal level not necessarily the same subject but I felt him. There has been times I was hurting inside and the only person I felt would listen and understand live in North Carolina and that also was my dad. Life after the holocaust I think was the roughest part for these homosexuals. Some spent up to 8 years in the camps. Don’t get me wrong those weren’t the best of times for those survivors but having to live with the shame, broken hearts and in one’s case Pierre Seel was tortured by the Nazi. They stuck 25 centimeters of wood up his butt. If you heard how torn he was and didn’t even get teary eyed I question if you’re human. I asked my tutor did she even know about this movie and how homosexuals were also killed during the holocaust. She told me “Oh I thought only the Jews were”. That just shows you how over looked this part of the holocaust was they were human just like everyone else that died and survived. Pdub pwillie

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