The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Widow Douglas

Widow Douglas—Although the Widow is not a major character throughout the novel, her spirit has a major influence over Huck’s actions. In the same way Caesar’s spirit haunts the last two acts of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, the Widow (even after Huck departs her company) often plays a part in Huck’s decision-making process. For Huck, she represents a kind of moral center. He accepts her view of Providence, which is manifestly good and decent and loving; and her ways (which are never abusive) do more to prick his conscience than, say, Pap’s or Miss Watson’s. Huck often finds himself reflecting on what the Widow would think after he has done something either good or bad. For example, he decides that she would have approved of his attempt to save the robbers before the steamer broke up, since helping low people was something she had always tried to do.

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Essays About The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn