Explain the changes in an expression of a religious tradition
Task one: Describe the marriage service in the Catholic Church 100 years ago and explain why the marriage service was performed this way. What were the restrictions on the couple?
The Catholic Church’s marriage service was significantly different 100 years ago mainly due to how society was then. For example:- The priest would organise the entire wedding, there were no prayers of the faithful and the priest chose and read all the readings. The whole ceremony was in Latin. Family and friends were not included in the planning of the wedding. There was no pre-marriage course available. Marriage was seen to be a way to secure finances and continue …show more content…
the husband’s family name. Women were seen as property and had no money or land under their own name. When the couple married everything got transferred into the husband’s possession.
There were clear defined roles in the marriage, men worked outside the home and women looked after the children, cooked and cleaned. Men had absolute power and made the decisions. They got married to create a secure environment for raising children, provide a stable social and family life, and provide a system of rules. Marriage was usually an arrangement between families and the couple would have varying degrees of involvement in the decision.
You can say the lack of input and involvement from the couple, to do with the ceremony itself, was a restriction. They didn’t have any choice in how it went or what was said. The following quote from Paul to the Ephesians (5: 21-24) summarises exactly how the church saw marriage in that era. “Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is head of the Church, the body of which he is the saviour. Just as the Church is subject to Christ so also wives ought to be to their husbands.”
Task 2: Describe the changes that occurred and why they occurred.
The marriage service now has changed in many ways because of the churches’ thinking and the way society views it. Aspects of the vows have changed. Women used to have to vow that they would ‘obey’ their husband. This is no longer necessary because after Vatican II the church “recognised the purpose of marriage in the modern world was not only the procreation of children but also the companionship and intimacy of husband and wife.” (p 17 Commitment and Ministry) Women were not seen as possessions anymore but as equal partners.
There is now a pre-marriage course available to challenge the couple to examine and explore together the feelings, values and ideas that will shape their lives after marriage. This is because the Church recognises that when couples get caught up in the planning and actual wedding day, they may forget to prepare for life after the wedding day which can sometimes cause problems. Preparation for marriage is more than ever necessary because of the many changes within modern society. Couples can better prepare themselves by realising that marriage is for life despite the culture of our day and place God in the centre of the marriage.
Before Vatican II all mass’ and marriage ceremonies were in Latin, which is the language of the Church. Now mass’ and marriages are in English so people can more easily understand the teachings of the Church and God. The priest also organised and read out every part of the mass and marriage service. This changed so the wife and husband could be more involved, making the mass more memorable, meaningful and personalised to the family and friends who attend. Task 3: Describe what has been the effect of these changes.
Society’s view on the status of women started to change years before Vatican II.
Women had started to realise that they deserved a say in things and didn’t have to stay at home. Women and men are now seen as equal and are made by God for each other physically, psychologically and spiritually. Children are now not the sole reason for marriage, rather a blessing from God. If you can’t or don’t have children the wife doesn’t get judged or put down and it is not seen as a punishment from God. When a catholic couple get married they must stay open to the idea of children. Now days couples are more open and willing to get married because they want to not because they have to, they have more choices about it all. Today the church teaches that marriage is not just for procreation and preserving the husband’s name, but is an unbreakable contract between two people for the welfare of themselves and their children. The partners are now equal and have the right to be treated as such and each partner is to contribute his or her gifts to the other spouse and receive the same in return. The defining element of marriage is conjugal love which is only possible between a man and a woman.
Task 4: Describe the ritual of a marriage service in the Catholic Church
There are 3 types of marriage celebration that is followed at the moment, a marriage during mass, a marriage outside mass and a marriage between a catholic and un-baptised person. All 3 have some aspects in common, for example they all have an entrance rite, liturgy of the word, the rite of marriage, consent, blessing and exchange of rings, and some form of final conclusion. The Marriage during mass has the liturgy of the Eucharist where the bride and groom may bring the bread and wine to the altar. It also has a nuptial blessing which is a special blessing from the priest telling the couple that they are no longer two but one flesh. The prayers of the faithful aren’t seen as important as in the other two marriage ceremonies. The Marriage outside mass and marriage between a catholic and un-baptised person have general intercessions (prayers of the faithful) and a nuptial blessing.
The entrance rite is where the priest meets with the bride and groom to show the church shares their joy, if there is a procession to the altar the ministers go first followed by the priest then bride and groom. According to local custom they can be escorted by their family and two other witnesses, while an entrance song is sung.
The liturgy of the word contains 3 readings one of which is from the Old Testament. After the gospel the priest gives as homily. He speaks about Christian marriage, the grace of the sacrament and the responsibilities of married people.
The rite of marriage is where the priest addresses the bride and groom with a statement asking them of their intentions, he then asks 3 questions, 2 of which are answered with ‘yes’ of ‘no’, the other to be answered by each spouse separately.
The priest then invites the couple to declare their consent by either answering the priest or speaking pre-written vows.
The blessing and exchange of rings is where the priest blesses the wedding rings of the couple as a sign of the couples love and fidelity. The prayers of the faithful follow using formulas approved by the ministers.
Liturgy of the Eucharist follows, this is where the bride and groom can bring the bread and wine to the altar, when the roman canon is used, the special Hanc Igitus is said.
The nuptial blessing is where the Priest faces the bride and groom with hands joined, prays and through the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ he will unite in love the couple he has joined in this holy bond. Then they all pray for a short while, the priest extends his arms and unites the couple. They then say the sign on peace and receive communion in both kinds.
The priest then blesses the couple and they are married.
Task 5: Explain why these parts are still included in the service.
The entrance rite is still included to make it welcoming, friendly and non-threatening to the couple and guests coming to the church.
During the liturgy of the word, the priest tries to relate what it says in the bible to what is happening for the couple and make it relevant to them.
The Rite of Marriage continues to ensure the couple are there willingly and equally.
Consent is given by the couple from agreed statements which are either put to the couple as questions from the priest or read out by them.
Blessing and exchange of rings: The ring is a symbol to remind us of God’s never ending love for us and the everlasting or never ending love between the couple.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist is Jesus’ body and blood symbolising when he sacrificed himself on the cross.
The nuptial blessing is still included to explain how the church sees marriage e.g. as a symbol of marriage of Christ and his church.
Blessing at the end of Mass brings the ceremony to a close by blessing all those friends and family of the newly married couple.