Answer: The title of the reading is “Social Psychology.” The research was conducted by Philip Zimbardo (286).
2. Provide a brief summary of background information in the field which led up to the study and the reasons that the researcher carried out this particular project (1 paragraph).
Answer: Social psychology is the branch of psychology that looks at how your behavior is influenced by others and how their behavior is influenced by yours. It is the study of human interactions and covers a wide array of topics like: romantic relationships, group behavior, prejudice, discrimination, and aggression. Because humans spending almost every waking hour interacting with others in some variation, social psychology contains the greatest number of studies. The Philip Zimbardo experiment provided new insights into some extreme human social behavior, sparked new waves of research to either confirm, refine, or contest theories, and created heated controversy about research ethics (286)
3. Explain the hypothesis of which the research rests (1 sentence)
Answer: The goal of the study was to …show more content…
To ensure informed consent, volunteers were told general information pertaining to the study such as the violation of personal privacy, civil rights, and minimal food (nutritional needs would be met.) After extensive screening for psychological problems and background checks were completed, “twenty-four normal college-age men were selected” to compete in the experiment (289). Then at random, the volunteers were split into two groups of “prisoners” and “guards.” Zimbardo's goals here was to separate personality factors from the influence on the situation in determining behavior