Throughout my hospital internship, I have developed more knowledge in monitoring drug therapy, understanding drug functions and recognizing the important aspect of the clinical pharmacist’s role in teaching patient about the safe and effective use of the medication. I have also become more familiar with the current healthcare environment in a hospital setting and I have also been exposed to the standards of care and policy that governs the hospital and health systems. After completing all of the assigned tasks, I have improved my communication skills while working with fellow students as well as the staffs. Through interaction with health care professionals,
presentation and project processes and advancement in oral and written skills, I have grown professionally.
Furthermore, I have appreciated the hospital pharmacist’s responsibility, even better. In promoting safe and effective drug therapy, I have also grown personally. I learned to have sense of urgency, teamwork, respect, competency, integrity, and a strong commitment to service, that create an exceptional working environment for all healthcare provider.