It Improves IT agility, ability to deploy desktops and servers in minutes, which also increases productivity for employees and also decreases the number of resources required to perform daily operations.…
The title of the poem, 'Beach Burial', has an ironic slant, as beaches are commonly associated with life and pleasure. Instead, the poem consists of the opposite: death and sorrow. Similarly, the poem first two stanzas include low, soft sounds, such as "softly", "humbly", "convoys" and "rolls", with the rhythm and alliteration of "swaying and wandering", which present a calm, soothing tone. However, this soothing calm is more of a grief, as illustrated by the onomatopoeia, in "sobbing and clubbing of the gunfire". The main place or action is sensed as afar, so the washing up of "dead sailors and "tide wood" represents a calm after a storm, wherein the storm is a battle out to sea.…
Within the poem, the poet successfully illustrates the way that the sailors are being carried by the sea by using alliteration, shown by how the soldiers “wander in the waters far under,” (3) the ‘w” sound and assonance emphasizing the bodies being caressed and swaying without control in the ocean. It also portrays the dead soldiers to be…
In the fourth stanza the poet describes what lies beneath the ocean. People look at nature as being beautiful but Foulcher’s uses the adjective ‘savage’ to describe the fish in the ocean as a symbol of aggression. The writer describes the depths of the ocean as ‘dark’ as well as the instinctive behaviour of the fish. The line ‘savage dark fish’ is a short intense line that creates a threating rhythm; this line is a strong symbol of people’s fear of the danger that exists in nature.…
Reeves also links the different behaviours of the sea, and how it relates to the behaviours and moods of a dog. “The sea” is brought to life as Reeves uses a number of literary tools, for example, the use of onomatopoeia or sound words such as “Roars”, “sniffs” and “snuffs” describes the poem vividly capturing reader’s imagination. He grasps the relation between the giant grey dog and ocean. The playful more happy nature of a dog is visualised in the first stanza as Reeves imagery describes the ocean and relates it’s be behaviours to a dog, with the way they roll around on the beach. This is similar to the way the rough waves tumble and crash on the ocean shore. Over the three stanzas we are able to see the recognisable shift of mood from anger to playfulness to complete…
The song verses found in the last chapter of Edwidge Danticat’s novel Claire of the Sea Light portray the sea as a symbol of sorrow, yet as necessary. The first verse outright links the sea with sorrow; However, Claire’s response to it highlights both the good and the bad about the sea. As Nosias and Gaelle pull Max Junior out of the water as Claire makes up the second verse, they also pull him away from the despair and sorrow that cause him to attempt suicide. The verses therefore expose the sea as symbolic of sorrow.…
Visiting the zoo is a fun family activity that 175 million people do each year (“Zoo Statistics”). However, the animals in the zoo are treated horribly. As a kid, visiting the zoo was one of my favorite activities. I loved watching the animals and spending time with my family, but as I grew older, my joy of the zoo diminished when I realized what was happening to the animals. The mighty tiger that was once strutting across the grass is now a dreary, unhealthy animal that walks aimlessly just to pass the time. Many animals die an unnatural death because of the treatment they receive in zoos and the lack of space reserved for them. Zoos promise to bring in animals that are either endangered or unhealthy; however, a remarkable number of animals…
Nichols does this to give the reader more information about the poem as well as to add realism to the situation. The poem is written in free verse, which gives the poem a rhythm and means the poem flows effectively. This allows the thoughts within the poem to merge freely into one another, which could reflect the constant theme of the sea, the flow of the water and the way the waves break. The theme seems to be how the lack of water affects him mentally.…
Sensory phrases such as crimson sky, weedy lake, rocking billows, abyss of heaven, and chafed ocean side color an image in the reader’s mind, which make the poem alive, and helps the reader, visualize the setting of the flight. When the author personifies the crane as himself, “Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue Thy solitary way?” (Lines 3, 4), he allows the reader to create an emotive connection with the crane, which further engages the reader. Bryant also uses auditory imagery. Because of the rhyming scheme, the reader feels a swaying sensation that depicts the flap of the bird’s wings or the poet’s thoughtful mood. The diction and imagery also set the tone for the poem. The tone for the poem begins calmly, yet as the howler approaches, the tone gets more intense and dramatic, until its imminent death, where the intensity slowly disappears. Both authors use descriptive language and imagery to set the tone and engage their…
Thomas utilizes numerous literary devices which contribute to the mood of the poem, some of which are: sustained metaphor, repetition, parallelism, oxymoron, and alliteration. As a…
were frost-ringed. Sorrow groaned hot round my heart, hunger tore from bowels, spirit stifled by sea-weariness (lines8-14).” This excerpt shows of the harsh conditions the sailor faced and the pain he suffered through while on this voyage. With the pain he faced because of his exile, we also learn of a happiness he finds in it. He would much rather a life on sea then on land, on a plethora of lines he says how his heart longs for the sea; so his exile to there is not all gruesome for him. He enjoys the see, even though he does miss his life on land; the sea is where is heart…
-> The next literary technique used is irony. The lines "Over the mirrors meant To glass the opulent the sea-worm crawls-grotesque, slimed, dumb, indifferent," (stanza III) shows that the glamorous things were now nothing more than a sea floor for the worms. Also all the jewels that were present on the ship, being worn by first-class passengers were now sitting at the bottom of the ocean floor. The usage of irony represents the loss of the ship, instead of the loss of life. These lines are indicative of the author's attitude towards what the ship stood for. He didn't want to talk about the tragedy with all the lives lost, instead he…
The poem creates the theme of eternal love by using words drawn from fairytales, and multisyllabic words with a religious meaning. Additionally, images evoke loss and sadness. For example, “night” is the time when most of the events occur; the narrator gives the reader sense of a sad world. The repetition and rhyme of “Annabel Lee,” “me,” and “sea” also reinforce the tight link between the narrator, his lost love, and the sea. Finally, the ballad’s peaceful and pleasing rhythm created by anapests and iambs, “It was ma/ny and…
In The Seafarer the character is on his ship hopelessly lost at sea. He suffers from loneliness, sadness and pain from being lost at sea. In the poem he says “How the sea took me, swept me back And forth in sorrow and fear and…
Outbreak at Watersedge is a game that incorporates public health by creating a mystery to solve. An outbreak of severe diarrhea has taken place and the player must find the origin of the mini epidemic. The discovery game explores professional roles in public health, collecting data to support the conclusion and eventually finding out the cause of the outbreak. As a player, I mapped individual’s placement before they contracted the illness, collected information of where to take samples, review lab results, and found the source of the disease. Along the way, many public health professionals worked together to figure out the source of the outbreak.…