1). High- School Uniforms- high schools should change to school uniforms, it’s easier to spot the kids that go to your school and also no kid will be different or feel left out.
2). Cell Phones and Driving- cell phones while driving are no different than a women putting on lipstick or a man looking for his CD.
3). Collecting Items- collecting items could be a good way to bring people closer together and also allow them to do stuff as one. (Marriage)
4). Human Cloning- is a good idea for families and a personal assistant.
5). Fat Tax on Food- there shouldn’t be a tax on food, food is something from the earth why should we pay extra for what was already here.
6). Home Schooling- kids should not be home schooled, all kids should have the same life experiences and public and private schools are one of those.
7). Racial Profiling- we still to this day racial profile everyone we see, we need to start to look at everyone with the same mind set and get that first racial impression out of our head.
8). US War on Drugs- US should worry about things other than looking for drugs.
9). Immigration- the USA is a place where all people are looked at equally and all are free, then why can’t people who want to better their life come to the best place to do so?
10). Should women be allowed to Pastor- who ever said women cant pastor, a pastor is a PERSON who spreads gods word; what makes a women any different from a man in this issue?