Bata is a trusted name in shoe market all around the world. Bata Shoe Company ( Bangladesh) Ltd. is one of the leading shoe ret ailers in our cou ntr y . T oda y t he B at a S hoe O rganizat ion is a sprawling geo - centr ic company encompas sing operations in more than 70 countries around the world and is managed by 4 Meaningful Busines s
Units ( MBU) acros s 5 continents. I t serves more than 1 million customers per day, employs more than 42,000 people, operates more than 5,500 retail outlets, manages retail presence in more than 70 countries and runs 40 production facilities acros s 26 countries.
The major change in the Bata business policy is the segmentation of retail outlets according to profiles of different market segments and the introduction of novel concepts such as Bata City Stores. These selective outlets, in conjunction with other types of outlets such as Bata Bazar and Bata Family
Stores, are adding a new level of consumer satisfaction. The City Stores incorporate spacious floor space allowing a comfortable shopping experience, modern interior décor enriched with novel shelving systems, fittings, fixtures and lighting that can be found in the large retail shops in the Far
East and Europe. Bata has a network of 248 retail outlets located strategically in different parts of the country. These retail outlets are an integral part of its brand marketing. This extensive retail network is supplemented by an equally extensive network of depots and dealers. Bata has 13 wholesale depots covering Bangladesh. Under these depots 389
RWD (Registered Wholesale Dealers) and 548
DSP (Dealer Support Program) stores are operating. Bata Bangladesh has already developed
its vision up to 2013 showing significant business growth as well as increased market share.
Since the company launched its own brand, Bata
Bangladesh has received the 'Superbrands' award recently from the 'Superbrands' authority under it's excellent corporate image