Where necessary, foster parents must be trained on appropriate restraining methods for children along with appropriate instances where restraint should/can be used. Training should include awareness of the risks involved in using restraint and the proper techniques required. Foster parents who are not trained in these techniques should not engage in restraint.
Restraint should be used only as a last resort in emergency situations when alternative, less restrictive procedures and methods of intervention have been unsuccessful or cannot be effectively employed. Restraint should only be used when it appears from the circumstances …show more content…
o The relative risks of not intervening. o The child’s views on strategies that they consider might de-escalate or calm a situation (discussed with the child before the need for the restraint arises). o The method of restraint which would be appropriate in the specific circumstances. o The impact of the restraint on the carer’s future relationship with the child.
Children who are restrained, and who witness an incident where restraint was necessary, should be offered psychological intervention for possible trauma and emotional disturbance. The person who was engaged in the restraint must ensure that within 24 hours of the use of any restraint, a written record is made on the Critical Incidents Reporting Form (Appendix I – also please see Foster Care Practice Guidelines for Responding to and Reporting of Critical Incidents). The written record must include:
o The name of the child concerned. o Details of the child’s behaviour leading to the use of the measure. o A description of the measure used. o The date, time and location of the use of the