Introduction: Professional Development refers to the various educational experience which relates to an individual work. As we are aware people are in a wide range of profession which requires them to participate in professional development to be able to learn and apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to help them improve performance on the job. Many of the professional fields require that people participate in the ongoing learning process because it is a requirement for keeping the job like for example in the medical filed it is important to undergo continues professional development to keep the licence. So, the questions that comes to the mind is what is different when it comes to the education sector? …show more content…
All the professional development programs that are suggested must be based on identified need as these vary from one context to another and help build in accountability of the process to help track the success of the program. Professional learning is an ongoing process which should provide teachers with provide teachers the opportunity to expand their skills, develop new teaching strategies, and deepen their understanding of subject content. In case of the experienced teachers it must help them keep up with the changing technology and help update subject knowledge and since the classroom practices are changing continuously the teachers must be able to use innovative teaching and learning methods. Effective professional learning begins with the commitment from administrators to provide opportunities for all teachers to grow in their careers, and customizing professional learning to teacher needs. There may be various reasons why a teacher needs continuous teacher professional development and it is important to do a need based analysis to understand what the teachers already knows and therefore it is important to identify individual needs along with the needs of the school and education systems therefor the educational leaders have to ensure that the training programs meet the needs of the individual …show more content…
The children were keen to learn English language as they found it the most difficult to understand. I initially borrowed their textbook and came up with a lesson plan and since I was a novice teach managing the class was the most difficult of all and though there was the lesson plan delivery of the content was difficult as children did not understand words as there was no phonological awareness and therefore could not bring out effective student learning through the children were enthusiastic to learn. This is when the realization struck that one needs to have general pedagogic knowledge of the learning environment, instructional strategies classroom management, knowledge of the learners. Subject knowledge which include the knowledge of the content ,Pedagogical content knowledge: a conceptual map of how to teach the subject understanding what kind of instructional strategies can be used , the knowledge level of the students what are their potentials for misunderstanding the concepts that were taught .Another important aspect was to understand the students local context as research has shown that it indeed impacts the learning ability of the children and how to create a sustainable learning environment as students belonged various cultural social and linguistic background . One realization