Theory is a blue print which provides frame work for all nursing actions, without theory one would not build argument on the actions performed. There are many theories that applies and guide nursing actions eg ethical theory, management theory organization theory and so on. The objective of theories are not limited to: provide a systematic answer to the question of how we should perform our work in different settings.
•Many health care agencies now recognize the need for a systematic manner whereby to discuss the theory issue in relation to nursing
1.3 Organization
The goal of organizing work and activities is to facilitate greater productivity and satisfaction, reduce the amount of time spent doing things that are …show more content…
A weekly time table showing the time of the week, when certain regular events occur; e.g., antenatal care, family planning services, immunizations, outreach and meeting. Duty roster showing staff placement for appropriate sections of work e.g., nights duty, outpatient department etc. Schedules should give room for unplanned events e.g., emergency, meeting, outbreaks etc.
1.4 Roles of a nurse educator
Nurses perform a wide range of clinical and non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care, and may also be involved in medical and nursing research.
Both nursing roles and education were first defined by Florence Nightingale
The following are the prescribed nursing roles and functions
Caregiver/ Care provider: The nurse provides direct care to client when is unable to meet their own needs.
Teacher: provides information and helps the client to learn or acquire new knowledge and technical skills.
Counselor: helps client to recognize and cope with stressful psychological or social problems; to develop and improve interpersonal relationships and to promote personal growth
Change agent: Initiate changes to make things happen or assist clients to make modifications in themselves or in the system of care.
Client advocate: Involves concern for and actions in behalf of the client to bring about a …show more content…
Without leadership no life in social context exist because even where there are no organization the leadership should exist to ensure peace of the people who are there.
2 2- Theories in nursing
2.2.1Personal life:
Theory is an assumption or supposition based on certain evidences or observations but lacking scientific proof: When proved and agreed it becomes a principle. Model means something which a copy can be based on because it is an extremely good example of its type. Nursing Theory are theoretical framework that provide a reason and purpose for nursing actions that helps a nurse to systematically develop problem solving is very important in my personal life.
2.2.2Social context
Recipient of care, including physical, spiritual, psychological, and sociocultural components. Individual, family, or community. Environment, All internal and external conditions, circumstances, and influences affecting the person. When the theory is transformed into practice the recipient of care is normally certified and makes social ties between the service provider and recipient of