Household: A group of person normally living together and taking food from common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so constitutes a household.
Head of the Household: The person in formal charge of the management of the household is the head of the household. He or she need not necessarily be the principal earning member of the household, but the customary head of the household decided on the basis of tradition. This means that when there is an aged father who does nothing but has an adult son who actually runs the management of the house, the old father might still be deemed to be the formal head. However, it should be left to the members of a household to decide upon whom they …show more content…
The results of total household consumer expenditure expressed are broadly classified under (a) Food total and (b) Non-food total.
Value of Consumption: Consumption out of purchase is evaluated at the purchase price. Consumption out of home produce is evaluated at ex-factory prices. Value of consumption out of gifts, loans, free collection and goods received in exchange of goods and service is imputed at the rate of average local retail prevailing during the reference period (30 days).
Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (MPCE): For a household, this is its 30 day’s consumer expenditure divided by its size. A person’s MPCE is understood as that of the household to which he or she belongs. For classifying households and persons by MPCE level, MPCE class were formed. These classes correspond broadly to 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95% and 100% of population.
Cereals and its products: household consumption of cereals does not include consumption of cereals by livestock belonging to the household. Such expenditure, being part of farm expenditure, is excluded from consumer expenditure altogether. This broad group of food items includes paddy, rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, barley, small millets, ragi and their …show more content…
Milk and milk products: This group includes ghee, butter, curds, ice cream, etc. Milk-based sweetmeats (pera, rosogolla, etc.) come under 'beverages, refreshments and processed food' unless they are prepared from milk, sugar, etc., within the household. Milk bused in home preparation of sweets etc is also accounted here. This category also includes baby food of which the principal constituent is milk.
Egg, Fish and