Spondee words are two-syllable words that have equal stress on each syllable. Equal stress signifies that when speaking, each syllable is said at the same length of time and same volume. Familiar spondee words are used when audiologists conduct a speech-recognition threshold test (SRT). This type of test is used to determine the softest level at which the patient can recognize speech. A few examples include: baseball, cowboy, cupcake, hotdog, and outside, among others. On the other hand, a speech discrimination (SD) test determines how well you hear and understand speech when the volume is set at your most comfortable level
Spondee words are two-syllable words that have equal stress on each syllable. Equal stress signifies that when speaking, each syllable is said at the same length of time and same volume. Familiar spondee words are used when audiologists conduct a speech-recognition threshold test (SRT). This type of test is used to determine the softest level at which the patient can recognize speech. A few examples include: baseball, cowboy, cupcake, hotdog, and outside, among others. On the other hand, a speech discrimination (SD) test determines how well you hear and understand speech when the volume is set at your most comfortable level