You see, God didn’t intend for his people to always hurt. We live a life of obedience to him and he blesses us for that. The path may not always be clear, nor easy, but it is one worth following to make that eternal life worth one living. We often find ourselves fleeing from the one who knows us best; the one who wants the best for us. We should live a life more like Moses. He struggled, he learned, he led his people to follow God, he proved that there was a God and that God would help you through anything as long as we follow him. We should all strive to be more like Moses. God had this beautifully planned for the deliverance of both Moses, and eventually for the people of Israel. He skillfully guided the parents of Moses and the heart of Pharaoh’s daughter to further his plan and purpose. God kept his promises. He delivered his people to a land of fruitfulness and beauty. What are we doing to keep ourselves in his word? Are we working hard enough that at the end of the day we can say we are living a life for him or are we struggling like Pharaoh and the Egyptians acting like we have not
You see, God didn’t intend for his people to always hurt. We live a life of obedience to him and he blesses us for that. The path may not always be clear, nor easy, but it is one worth following to make that eternal life worth one living. We often find ourselves fleeing from the one who knows us best; the one who wants the best for us. We should live a life more like Moses. He struggled, he learned, he led his people to follow God, he proved that there was a God and that God would help you through anything as long as we follow him. We should all strive to be more like Moses. God had this beautifully planned for the deliverance of both Moses, and eventually for the people of Israel. He skillfully guided the parents of Moses and the heart of Pharaoh’s daughter to further his plan and purpose. God kept his promises. He delivered his people to a land of fruitfulness and beauty. What are we doing to keep ourselves in his word? Are we working hard enough that at the end of the day we can say we are living a life for him or are we struggling like Pharaoh and the Egyptians acting like we have not