Processor refers to CPU (Central Processing Unit) which is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, processor is the most important element of a computer system. Without it, a computer cannot even boot up or running. The performance of processors determines the speed and the performance of the notebook as well. Whether a computer system can run smooth or not is also depend on the performance of processor.
Most of the processors of notebooks can be divided into two types, which are Intel based and AMD based. AMD chips usually less expensive and notebooks based on them are cheaper then Intel based notebooks. But compared to AMD chips, Intel chips consume less power so that battery life can be extended and there are less overheating issues. Thus, Intel based notebooks are more recommended compared to AMD based notebooks. We can select fast CPU within numerous modifications of Intel CPUs based on Second Level CPU cache, FSB or Bus speed (data transfer speed between CPU and memory in MHz). The larger CPU cache and bus speed, the faster performance of laptops. As example, if there are two notebooks both equipped with Intel Pentium Dual-Core Processor, the one which has 1.86GHz, 533MHz FSB will run faster than the one which has 1.66 GHz, 533MHz FSB.
The version and modification of processors also determine its performance. Intel Core 2 Duo has the highest system performance and multitasking, energy efficiency as well as gaming performance and maximizes digital media performance. Intel Pentium Dual-Core has medium system performance and energy efficiency which is slightly better than Intel Celeron. Intel Celeron has the lowest system performance and energy efficiency but it is the cheapest among all of the Intel processor.
The purpose of using a notebook determines the processor needed in the notebook. If the notebook is only used for word processing, the CPU speed and performance that needed is