The positive and negative consequences of failing to belong or being socially accepted are evident in Skrzynecki’s poetry. Demonstrate your understanding of both aspects by reference to 10 Mary Street and another Skrzynecki poem set for study. In your response, close textual detail must be used to show understanding for varied conceptual ideas associated with belonging. Ensure that the poetic devices used to explore these issues are clearly evaluated.
Belonging is a person’s way of having attachment, security and sharing with a group of friends, their family, race and cultural background. Belonging is a fundamental need for every person. Being accepted or belonging to a group can enrich our experiences by communicating and working with partners. A research shows that a person who feels included tends to be healthier, happier and has a longer life expectancy than a person who is facing isolation. Sense of failing to belong or being socially accepted is explored within the poem “10 Mary Street” and “Felik Skrzynecki” by Peter Skrzynecki.
The poet’s house includes warmth and intimacy. It symbolises new opportunity for the poet’s family. The address 10 Mary Street provided the family sense of security, stability and reliability after they arrived at an unfamiliar country facing unpredictable physical and emotional change. This address evokes the poet’s old memories about living with his family and the house provided them a shelter from the unfamiliar country. The theme of “Felik Skrzynecki” highlights the displacement between different generations with distinctive heritage can affect a person’s identity. Different types of belonging such as belong to mother country Poland and Australian community, are conveyed by describing the lifestyle of his father and the adaptation the poet faced. In addition, the poet explores the idea of family members respecting each other despite their different perceptions of the Australian culture.