Marcela Reyes Quintana
Claudia Arteaga Gómez
Jessica Morales Martínez
Danaee Jiménez Guevara
Sebastián Ortega Uribe
Sebastián Díaz Carvalledo
Universidad del Valle de México
Professor: Sergio Bautista
31 / 05 / 2010
Since the last decades, mass media has taken a big role on any society that exists nowadays. It is of great importance because of many reasons. One of them being because thanks to them information can be spread throughout the world in a matter of seconds. In a way this type of media unites the world more than anything, especially when we talk about the TV. For sure in most houses of every country, there is a TV present. And as in most families, there are also children present.
Now, what happens if you unite both, TV and children? Well what you get is an excellent way of distracting a kid. For some reason (or reasons) kids are always really curious about TV, you will always see a child watching it maybe even for hours. What interests us the most is to know the reasons why this little kids love to watch TV, but not any type of program, but particularly cartoons.
For sure cartoons are really entertaining; many people (even adults) still enjoy watching a cartoon every now and then. By watching this type of shows that aren´t really complex to understand, full of colors, movements, and many other stimulus for the senses, it helps kids to relax, feel comfortable and even laugh. Thing which they can´t do when watching for example a novel, because they are more full of drama and real-cases type of stories which they are just too young to understand and since they are in contact with reality when they aren´t watching TV, what they less want to see on TV is what they see in their everyday lives.
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