2. What features of the 100 Yen Sushi House service delivery system differentiate it from the competition, and what competitive advantages do they offer?
A. Customers need not to wait for sushi they want. All kinds of sushi are on the conveyer belt. So the customers’ work is just picking what they want.
i. Customer and Employee need not to move a lot.
B. Like ‘Self-service’, serving cost is reduced. Even though there is any demand fluctuation, there would not be any service quality difference.
C. They offer any kinds of sushi 100 yen per plate. The price is uniform by differing pieces of sushi. It makes customers easy to calculate what they ate.
D. And if the price of ‘100 Yen’ is cheaper than the other competitors, it will be strong point.
E. They are operating family-owned restaurant. It affects such as customer service, a contribution to society, or the well-being of the community.
i. And also the labor cost is reduced.
F. As workers and their equipment are positioned so close, the customers can feel more valuable services from entering to leaving. It can be seen as High-Contact Operation in Customer Contact Approach.
i. When the customers want to special order, they just say any near chef.
G. Because of their inventory & quality control system, customers can enjoy fresher sushi than in other places.
3. How has the 100 Yen Sushi House incorporated the just-in-time system into its operation?
A. The owner knows demand information about what to prepare and when to prepare by a careful analysis.
B. The agreement with the fish vender to deliver fresh fish several times a day. The agreement made 100 Yen Sushi House’s inventory cost to minimum.
i. It can meet not only supply, but also demand (quality).
C. When there are any sushi plates unsold longer than 30 minutes, employees who take some brake eat or throw them away.
i. It prevents ‘not-in-time’ plates to customers.