101 Topics to Write About in Your Articles, Newsletters and Blogs
Finding a topic to write about for your e-zine, blog post, or bylined article can cause a lot of people and “non-writers” to stress over topics, ideas and creativity.
I thought I’d help by offering you 101 ideas that you can write about. Keep this in mind. These topics are great for video blogs too.
You may wonder how you can connect these back to your business, products, services, clients and prospects. Yes, even a trip to the mall or a conversation with your dry cleaner are topics or examples worthy of mentions in your articles and blog posts.
Become “Life’s Little Observer” and use your writing and the topics as they relate to the bigger picture–like your customer service philosophy, your new product, your policies, relationships, attitudes, success, motivation, lessons learned, “A-HA” moments and more. The key is to show your reader how your example or story is relevant to them and how you can help them. Share a piece of yourself along the way.
Here we go:
Your business
A new product or service
An old product/service
Your ideal client
Tips on your expertise
How you broke an old habit
Life lessons learned
A mentor
A vacation
A challenge you have overcome
A challenge you are dealing with
A challenge you need/want to overcome
A child who has inspired you
Your first car
Your new car/dream car
A current event
Your hero
A childhood lesson
An award you have won
Your unfulfilled dream
A sibling
Your parents
Your grandparents
Vacation trips in the car
Airport/travel stories
Your best friend
Customer Service
A college experience
Your favorite teacher
A book you just read
Your favorite book
A quote
A local event/incident
A speech you heard
A speech you gave
A run-in with a neighbor
Family reunions