Bible Translations
Selected Bibliography– Fee/Stuart chapter 2; How To Choose a Bible Translation for All Its Worth
(Gordan Fee and Mark Strauss), One Bible, Many Versions: Are All Translations Created Equal?
(Dave Brunn); Which Bible Translation Should I Use? A Comparison of Four Major Recent
Versions (ed. Andreas Kostenberger and David Croteau)
Reading Questions
What are the important ideas in the chapter?
The difference between formal and functional translations include . . .
What is the definition of key words?
External evidence
Internal evidence
What is the authors’ viewpoint on controversial matters?
Why do Fee/Stuart recommend that we not use the KJV/NKJV?
What are some dangers to avoid?
The problem with a formal equivalent translation is that . . .
The problem with a functional equivalent translation is that . . .
What are some good practices to follow?
For the study of the Bible, Fee/Stuart recommend you use . . .
Fee/Stuart recommend using which translation?
1. Text Base Difference:
a. More recent Greek texts: KJV, NKJV
b. Earlier Greek texts: NIV, ESV, NLT, etc.
2. Three types of translations
a. Formal: KJV, NAS, ESV
b. Functional: NIV, NLT
c. Free: Message
d. Very free
3. Specific Translations
a. NIV
BBST 103 Spring 2015 Trimm
i. “Old NIV” from 1984 ii. TNIV in 2002: gender neutral terminology iii. “New NIV” in 2011 (version found on
b. KJV
i. Beautiful translation ii. Wide influence iii. Problems:
1. Based on late Greek texts
2. Archaic words and expressions
4. Two Types of Accuracy
a. Literal vs. paraphrase (More literal to more paraphrase: NAS, KJV, ESV,
b. Verbal vs. rhetorical accuracy
i. Verbal (formal literal translations): words are the same ii. Rhetorical (tend to find this more among functional translation): same effect on the audience
5. Odd Translation Features
a. Italics in NAS and KJV: words not in original
b. Red letters (words of Jesus)
c. Lord (Adonai, a title)