With the money saved, my agency would be able to retain officers and hire new staff even in the core of a financially constrained environment. (Smith, 2010) Also, I would be able to provide training and equipment to my officers that were previously unavailable. Law Enforcement is similar to military combat; considering, law enforcement agencies are the first to respond to any situation criminal before the military is even called out. Every day there is a war or a protest on the streets and in the communities of the U.S., which occasionally turn violent. Also, with the ban on immigration and ISIS attacks around the world; criminals are getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction. As a chief executive, my agencies need to be able to match the weapons and equipment that’s being used by criminals to put the public at risk of losing life or police officers being harmed. Besides, some of the material supplied to law enforcement through the program, such as weapons or tactical vehicles, possesses significant military capabilities. (Else, 2014) According to the law, these items cannot be dispensed to the general public and ownership is never deeded to law enforcement agencies rather, they are considered to be on
With the money saved, my agency would be able to retain officers and hire new staff even in the core of a financially constrained environment. (Smith, 2010) Also, I would be able to provide training and equipment to my officers that were previously unavailable. Law Enforcement is similar to military combat; considering, law enforcement agencies are the first to respond to any situation criminal before the military is even called out. Every day there is a war or a protest on the streets and in the communities of the U.S., which occasionally turn violent. Also, with the ban on immigration and ISIS attacks around the world; criminals are getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction. As a chief executive, my agencies need to be able to match the weapons and equipment that’s being used by criminals to put the public at risk of losing life or police officers being harmed. Besides, some of the material supplied to law enforcement through the program, such as weapons or tactical vehicles, possesses significant military capabilities. (Else, 2014) According to the law, these items cannot be dispensed to the general public and ownership is never deeded to law enforcement agencies rather, they are considered to be on