Cowens, J. (2006, Augest 01). The Scientific Method.. Teaching Pre K-8, 37(1), 42-46. Retrieved from…
In my placement I had to plan and provide two different activities to promote children’s understanding of science. I planned both of the activities under the headings:…
Today I’m here to inform you how to create the most basic form of a basketball shot.…
I attend the premier high school in the state of Illinois and I am constantly reminded about it. Even though this has become a running joke between the students, I am really glad that I have been able to attend my prestigious high school, because Edwardsville High School that has motivated me to be successful and given me amazing opportunities that I may not have had somewhere else.…
Some schools have long breaks for a month or two while others have school all year round. Schools should be year round with more breaks to improve education. Having school year round means that students won’t forget what they learn at school and that they’ll get more education. Students will be able improve what they have problems in and that means they’ll be able to pass tests without being left behind.…
Today I am asked to reflect on my eighth grade year and how it has changed me and my view going into ninth grade. I believe that I have changed a lot since the beginning of the year and I think that a lot of what I learned in eighth grade will reflect in ninth grade. I learned a lot of different things this year that I will carry with me into high school. All of these ranging from simple things like doing your homework, to putting in the most effort.…
Going back to my best year! Sophomore year was the year I had to get myself together and stop acting so amateur, it was the year I start acting like an adult. Therefore It was a great year for me. My sophomore year was not like other teenagers, I had many downfalls, but that didn't stop me from accomplishing my goals. Around this time I wanted to try a sport for the first time, so I tried out for the wrestling team, but they didn't work out so well. Sophomore year I didn't make any new friends, cause I don't like making new friends, it's just too much. My day one friends stayed the same, these are the people who have been through hell and back with me. I didn't learn how to drive my tenth grade year, because I was procrastinating. I was skipping school and getting into…
School year round. Almost every kid in America dreads those three words. As soon as someone says that, a kid automatically thinks, no breaks, no summer, no fun. I would too if I didn’t know anything about it. But since I do I don't really mind the idea. Sure, it would take away the meaning of summer and everything you are used too but…. Change is good, sometimes.…
I don't like student led conferences, some of the good things about going to these are that my parents get to know how I am doing in school. Another is that they get to see some of the enviorments that we are learning in. My mom cares about that stuff because I have to study at home for church a lot and we have to go into a room that is not distracting. Also some of the reasons I don't like student led conferences is the time that we take to make the "portfolios" and we don't get more time to work on actual school work. Another reason why I don't like them is that we have to find a time to do the conference and we have a tight schedule at home so it is hard to find time for that. So in conclusion I don't like student led conferences because…
In the next school year, it is imperative that you become more academically responsible and motivated to complete your school work. Your excessive absences and tardies are also hindering your academic progress. Please begin to communicate with your teachers to express any misunderstandings or address any questions or concerns you may have. As you enjoy your summer break, consider what you want your future to look like and what you should begin to do now to realize those goals. With some changes next year, I believe you can experience growth as both a student and young…
I know it would be cool to choose the classes you go to in middle school, but it would not be right. Kids won’t choose any classes they would need to learn in these three years of our lives called middle school. You don’t always get what you want in life so, you have to learn anything you can to be prepared for life. By no means, should middle school students should not choose the classes they go to.…
Throughout high school, I’ve always heard that senior year would be the easiest, most fun year- the year when you could just lay back and enjoy yourself. Unfortunately, and though I know it is mostly by my own doing, I have not found it to be my easiest year at all. College, senior project, all on top of four AP classes have made senior year my most stressful yet. Though at this point I think the worst is over, it certainly has been one crazy autumn.…
The question of whether or not to go to college is a major decision in every young person's life. People have different thoughts and reactions regarding the college experience. I interviewed my english teacher Mr. Vester. Vester said the best thing about college was, "having really great teachers who knew their stuff and reading obscure books". Time management is a fragile thing in college but you have "zero room for error" (Vester). He stated that he "would totally do it again. That's why I {he} went to grad school. I {he} liked the challenge" (Vester). Overall, Mr. Vesters college experience was hard but a good educational experience. One must consider many factors when making the decision to attend college after their high school graduation and having the right information can help in that process.…
“Cherish these moments because tomorrow they will be memories.” Senior year has had its ups and its downs. I have lost friends and gained friends, and learned things and tried to forget. I have learned that being a senior is and isn’t what it is all cracked up to be. Preparing for college, making good grades, and having a social life are three things that I have struggled to keep balanced since I have become a senior.…
Now that i have finished the 1st quarter of my 8th grade year, I can say i really enjoy it. It may be different but it’s really enjoyable. Classes, life, lunch, grades all differ from my past middle school years, Some good, Some bad.…