In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the course in
Civic Welfare Training Services II
12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do
To Help Your Country
Submitted by:
Lat, Cris Robinson G.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – ACT201A
Civic Welfare Training Services II
Submitted to:
Prof. Leonardo G. Adap
STI College – Taft
Name : Cris Robinson G. Lat
Subject : Civic Welfare Training Services 2
Professor : Leonardo G. Adap
Date : March 8, 2013 Title : 12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Your Country
The book “12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Your Country” is written by Alexander L. Lacson, a 48 year old lawyer and edited by his wife Pia Pena, also a lawyer. A time when Alexander and his wife Pia are seriously thinking of migrating to US or Canda because they think the Philippines is hopeless and the economy is getting worse. The thought of exposing their children to such environment frightens them. Until a thought struck them. “What’s the difference of the present and 20 years after?” They realized that if they will migrate outside the country and just comeback after 20 years, and all other Filipinos will do the same. Do you think there will be a significant change? None, of course. “Great things start by small beginnings” as Marcus Tullius Cicero said. So Alexander Lacson had a brilliant idea to write the book “12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Your Country.” It is one of their way of doing their part for the country. 1st Little Thing. Follow traffic rules . Follow the law. This rule is very simple but requires great discipline. It’s really self-explanatory. If we learn to follow simple traffic rules it can have a big impact on our lives and all the people around us. It can save our life, the lives of our loved-ones or the lives of innocent people on the road. Bringing us one step closer to being a good citizen and a big help to our country. 2nd