The second table I found hilarious. If you have a witness for the case every three days you can go call out loudly for them at their front door. This is funny just at the mental imagery it conjured up.
If you acknowledge a debt you have a 30 day grace period to satisfy it and the courts. This in truth is a lot like todays debt system. However we don’t enslave debtors any longer. Then again now days we are enslaved to work to pay the debts we owe or face bad credit and today without credit you can’t buy anything.
The forth table made me very angry. It read that a deformed child would be murdered. This within itself is barbaric and horrible to even imagine.
The fifth table a father that sells his son three times gives his son freedom. I couldn’t imagine selling one of my children even once much less three times. If a father does it even once he deserves to not have any children.
The sixth table, females basically had no rights and were considered property. Really? I am glad I didn’t live back then I would have been stoned to death because I am all for equal rights. What is good for one sex is good for the opposite sex.
I know in ancient Rome you should never write a song even jokingly that degrades anyone else slandering their name or person.
If you bare false witness against someone, in other words lie on them, you will be thrown from what I gathered to be a high rock.
Women weren’t allowed to openly grieve at