Author: William D. Dunlap Team Members: Class Experiment Date of Experiment: March 14, 2024 Date Experiment submitted: March 28, 2024 Class: Challenge 2 Biology
Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to become more familiar with the tools and techniques of dissection.
Background Dissection: “The action of dissecting a body or plant to study its internal parts”, (Definition by Oxford Languages). Dissection is one of the most important tools for growing a deeper knowledge of how people and animals function and is also important in learning how to help, aid or heal people or animals. It is not only important to be familiar with the tools of dissection, but the procedures that are a part of these types of experiments. In the end, dissections give us a greater insight into the …show more content…
Procedure The equipment that we used for this experiment were as follows: Dissection tools Scalpel Magnifying glass Tweezers Earth Worm Lab Notebook The procedure was conducted as follows. The class started by laying out our materials and our dissection tools on a table. Once we were handed my earth worm, I began to visually inspect it and once I was permitted by my teacher, I began to physically inspect the worm. As instructed, I ran my fingers along the body of the worm and counted around 50 bristles on the body of the worm and recorded my findings in my lab notebook. Once this was done I continued and moved to find the holes of the earthworm and I found three, one was found on the front of the worm and the other two were found on the back end of the worm. After that was concluded I moved on to the band on the front half of the worm and counted the rings inside the band section. My count was 6 sections along the band and 140 sections throughout the entire length of the worm. Once that data was recorded, we