The prisoners msut be given clean drinking water facilities, bathing anf washing facilities, hygienic sanitation with proper and adequate water supply with a provision of separate toilets for transgenders, proper drainage system with timely maintenance as per the prescribed standards. Clothing and beddings
Neat and clean beddings and clothes with the facility to clean and wash the clothes must be provided. Food :
The prisoners must be provided with healthy, nutritious food prepared in good and hygienic conditions along with the sufficient and clean drinking water facility. Exercise:
The prisoners must be encouraged to perform at regular intervals the physical exercises. They must be equipped …show more content…
The living conditions in the prisons must be in tune with the minimum health standards to be observed supported by the well trained medical staff.Such staff will be responsible for the health of the persons in custody right from their entry till discharge stage. The stages of health care are further divided as follows: (a) Rights of people in custody to have access to health care :
The health care standards as prescribed by the state must be provided to every prisoner in custody. The state must carryout necessary expenditure to be made on the hormonal supplement as well as hormonal disorder clinics along with sexual reassignment surgery. (b)Good Health condition in custody:
Jail birds possess a right to access to the proper health conditions. The person in-charge of the health services in jail or the medical officer must regulary visit, inspect, advice, direct prison authorities about the quality of the food served, hygienic living conditions including proper sanitation, clothing, cross ventilation, ighting, etc. and the availability of other basic amentities for the people in …show more content…
Though there existedstatutes/documents for security and safety of people in custody, the above mentioned behaviour was noted by people who were suppose to protect them, which further prompted the researcher to initiate this research and come up with the