African Diaspora- dispersal of African people and their descendants
Amerindians- natives in the new world, lived mostly on the coast
Anglican Church- church in England that had broken away from Catholicism (pope wouldn’t let king henry VIII divorce his wife)
Australia- area in the Oceanias that remained secluded from the rest of the world during globalness
Balance of Power- Europe had this, where no country was allowed too much strength, but Maria Teresa inherited all the Hapsburg land and threw this balance off , Prussia called war to stop thisf
Bartolomeu Dias- proved it was possible to sail from Europe to IOB, around Cape of good hope
Boers- Dutch for “farmer”
Brazil- a Portuguese colony with lots of sugar plantations, in New world
Capitalism- form of economy where the government doesn’t interfere at all
CAPTAIN James Cook- led 3 journeys into Pacific, died in Hawaii
Caravel- ships made by the Portuguese
Catholic Reformation- When the church that the Protestants broke away from tried to make a counter action and improve them
Charles V- inherited the Hapsburg part of the Holy Roman Empire , concentrated on Lutheranism, didn’t expand/strengthen the Holy Roman Empire
Christopher Columbus- tried to reach Asia by sailing west, reached Americas
Columbian Exchange- The exchange of goods between the Old and New World
Conquistadores- the Spanish conquerors who took over much of the New World
Constitutional Governments- where most of the power is given to the people, and the gov’t little
Council of Trent- assembly of church officials who met to reform Catholic Church
Counterreformation- aka Catholic Reformation
Creoles- people born in Americas but with Iberian Parents
Deism- belief that god existed, but that he no longer interferes with the world
Divine Right- God gave the kings the right to rule so they should be able to do anything
Edict of Nantes- Allowed Huguenots