a) The right of Kamala to assign her interest in Expert Consultancy to Bank Business.
b) Discuss the ways for dissolution of a partnership. What are the grounds that Raju could use to apply for dissolution of partnership by way of court’s order?
Solution: Kamala had not right to assign her interest in Expert Consultancy to Bank Business. Her use of the firm's financial status for personal gain can lead to numerous tax and income implications that may eventually lead to a criminal offence and/or fraud against both partners of the firm. Raju has the right not to participate in such activities, and thus has the right to have his name removed from the partnership.
Raju can apply for the dissolution of partnership on several grounds:
a) One of the partners is in the breach of the partnership contract due to the fact that she is using the firm's financial standing for personal gain, and not for the benefit of the partnership.
b) The partnership contract is valid for 10 years, and considering that the Kamala's breach of contract occurred in 2010, and the firm was established in 2000, the contractual obligation of the partnership is close to the end (if not expired - depending on the month of the year).