Often in academic writing, students will use information and facts presented in charts and graphs to support the topic sentence of their paragraph. Often, the data presented in a graph or table show change over time. There are specific verbs, adjectives and adverbs that can help you describe these changes. For example: Verbs for describing how data have changed: • • • •
to increase to go up to rise to climb
• • •
to remain (unchanged) to be steady to plateau
• • • •
to decrease to go down to decline to drop
Adjectives and adverbs to describe how fast the change occurred: • • •
sharp dramatic significant
• • •
steady gradual slight
• • •
sharply dramatically significantly
You can describe the changes presented in the graph in two ways:
Jane’s LINC Class: Average Daily Attendance, by Month
Number of Students 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Sept Oct Months Nov Dec
From October to December, attendance decreased steadily. or From October to December, there was a steady decrease in attendance.
Write a paragraph to describe the bar graph above. Write three details to support the topic sentence.
Topic sentence: Average attendance in Jane’s LINC class followed a distinct pattern over time.
Chapter 1 | Academic Skills | Writing Paragraphs and Essays
LINC 6/7
Paragraphs to Describe Graphs and Charts (Cont.)
Examine the graph below. Complete the paragraph that follows with appropriate supporting details.
Canada Pension Plan Employee Contribution Rates
Percent of Earnings 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Year
Data Source: Canada Revenue Agency
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is one of Canada’s retirement income pension plans. It provides a monthly income to people (who contributed during their working years) when they become disabled or retire. Every person over 18 who earns more than about $3,500 a year