Political/Diplomatic: The Italian states of the renaissance Five major powers Milan Venice Florence( the Medici) The Papal states Kingdom of Napals Independent city states Mantua Ferrara Urbino The Role of women Warfare in Italy struggle between France and Spain Invasion and division. The birth of modern diplomacy is a product of the Italian renaissance. Machiavelli and the new statecraft Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) The Prince acquisition, maintenance and expansion of political power Cesare Borgia. It was the era of the “new Monarchies”. In France, Louis XI (d. 1483), the spider, established a centralized state. England’s Henry VII (d. 1509) limited the private armies of the aristocracy, raised taxes, and left more powerful monarchy In Spain Isabella (d. 1504) and Ferdinand (d. 1516) created a professional army and enforced religious uniformity by the conversion and expulsion of Jews and Muslims. The Holy Roman Empire remained weak, but the Hapsburg emperors created strong state of their own through numerous marriages. There were no “new monarchies” in eastern Europe, but Russia’s Ivan II (d. 1505) ended Mongol control. Lastly in 1453 the Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople. The Papal states a dominate city state in Italy . Located in central Italy Somewhat in the political control of the popes . Renaissance Popes attempt to reestablish control over the Papal states. Balance of power was created to prevent aggrandizement of one state or another. Machiavelli’s the prince gave the best expression to political power sought during the Renaissance. Diplomatic post/missions. After Spanish victory lead sent to exile. ”New Monarchies are monarchies that are more powerful build bigger armies centralized authority and take power from the church. Ferdinand and Isabella were married in a dynastic not political marriage Two states maintain their own parliament worked to build strong centralized government for both states created and built the best army in Europe by the 16th century. Filled Royal council with middle class lawyers loyal to the monarch. At this time to be Spanish was to be Catholic. Spanish Inquisition was when Ferdinand and Isabella got rid of or converted all the Jews and Muslims in Spain. The Hapsburgs instituted dynastic marriages. Through marriages the Hapsburgs gained international power Rulers of France feared they would be surrounded by Hapsburgs. Ivan III was able to take advantage of dissention within the Mongols to through of their yoke by 1480. The two major forms of Renaissance government were Italian city states and Monarchies. The five dominate Italian city states were Florence Papal States Naples Milan and Venice. Italy- conflicts among city states prevented unification and caused wars among them. Foreign invaders took advantage France and Spain saw Italy as coveted land riches of Italy controlled by powerful ruling families. The concept of Ambassadors changed during the Renaissance from a person representing everyone from their country and for peace in general agents representing specific states (politics/diplomacy).Social/Economic: Economic Recovery Italian cities lose economic supremacy, Hanseactic League, Manufacturing such as textiles printing mining and metallurgy Banking Florence and the Medici. Social Changes in the renaissance The nobility: reconstruction of the aristocracy and aristocracy 2-3 percent of population. Bladassare Castiglione (1478-1529) the book of the courtier (1528) service to the prince. Peasants and Townspeople peasants- 85-90 percent of the population decline of manorial system and serfdom. Urban society- patriarchs, petty burglars, shopkeepers, artisans, guild masters, and guildsmen, the poor and unemployed and slaves. Family- husbands and wives: arrange marriages, Husband head of the household, Wife managed the household Children; childbirth. The c and social status- early renaissance artisan craftsmanship High Renaissance artisans as heroes. The Renaissance had a more secular and individualistic ethos than medieval society. It might best be seen as evolutionary in its urban and commercial community from the High Middle Ages. Hanesatic League Competed with the merchant from the Mediterranean, where the Venetians had a commercial empire. Peasants were still the vast majority, but serfdom and manorialism were dying out. An important minority were the inhabitants of towns and cities, with merchants and bankers at the apex and the unskilled workers at the bottom. The father or husband of the dictator dominated the extended family and marriages were arranged for social and economical advantage. Wives were much younger than their husbands, with their primary function to bear children; the mortality rate in childbirth and for infants and young children still remained high. Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth” Late 14th century early 15th century seen as both a continuation of Middle ages and as the beginning new era. Period of change and renew appreciation for classical civilization. Jacob Burkhardt exaggerated the era’s level of secularism and individualism. House of Medici became the greatest bank in Europe during the 15th century. Conodottieri mercenary soldiers that when not in active combat pillaged the country side. Liberal studies were thought to be the key to true freedom enabling humans to reach their full potential. The The Northern Renaissance movement more intense emotion spiritual orientation. Three estates 1st estate the clergy- people should be guided by spiritual ends, 2nd Estate the Nobility- nobles privileges from provided security and justice, 3rd Estate everyone else- Peasants and inhabitants of towns and villages. Slavery- For the most part, agriculture slavery in Europe was replaced by serfdom and had disappeared by the 11th century. Slavery reappeared in Spain through Christians and Muslims capturing prisoners during the Reconquista white and black slaves. By the end of the 15th century slavery had declined significantly due to humanist reasons expense and some of them found dangerous. Two characteristics of Renaissance society individualism and secularism. Without wealth the Renaissance does not happen. Renaissance Italy largely an urbane society commercial and political success.Cultural/Intellectual: Italian Renaissance Humanism Classical Revival Petrarch (1304-1374)Humanism in 15th century Italy humanism and Philosophy translation of Plato’s dialogues, Synthesis of Christian Platonism Renaissance Hermeticism. Educate, History, and Impact of printing Liberal studies history moral philosophy eloquence letters poetry mathematics astronomy and music education of women Aim of education was tom complete a citizen. Humanism and history Secularization the impact of printing movable type more books/textbooks the spread of printing. Leonardo da Vinci- Last supper Raphael-School of Athens Michelangelo- The Sistine chapel. Music in the Renaissance. the church in the Renaissance was dealing with a lot of heretics due to the humanists ideals. The church supported the renaissance artist. There was an increased emphasis upon the human. Among the influential humanists was Petrarch(d. 1374) in his advocacy of classical Latin writers. Civic humanism proposed that the ideal citizen was not only intellectual but also a patriot, actively serving the state, and humanist education was to produce individuals of virtue and wisdom. The printing press was perfected , multiplying the availability of books. In art, the aim was to imitate nature by the use of realistic perspective. Masaccio (d. 1428), Donatello (d. 1466) and Michael Angelo (d. 1519) made Florentine the focus of the arts. The High Renaissance of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci 9d. 1519) and Raphael (d.1520) combined natural realism with Platonic idealism. The artisan might become a great artist, and thus transform his social and economic status. The church besieged by problems. John Wycliff (d. 1384) and John Hus (d. 1415) condemned the papacy for corruption, its temporal concerns, and demanded the Bible in the vernacular. The popes reflected their era, and their secular involvements overshadowed their spiritual responsibilities. Some preferred war and politics to prayer and piety, and others ignored their vows of celibacy, ambitiously advancing their families over the needs of the faithful. Most were great patrons of the arts, but religious concerns ranked behind the pleasures of this life. High regard for Human dignity realization of human potential. Civic humanism was tied with civic pride, responsibility and spirit. Humanism was an intellectual movement based on the study of classical works of the Greeks and Romans. Humanists study the liberal arts. Neo-Platonism- merged Christianity and Platonism into a system. Postulated the idea of hierarchy of substances from lowest form of physical matter to the purest spirit, God. The High Renaissance was marked by increasing importance of Rome as the new cultural center of the Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci counseled the artist should use real objects in nature, not copies of other artists. Fifteenth century tradition of complete study of nature stressed the need to advance beyond realism. Emphasis was moved onto an idealistic form of nature. Raphael Sahzio was regarded a one of Italy’s finest artist at the age of 25. Acclaimed for his numerous madonnas, attempted ideal beauty above human standards. Welll known for his frescos in the Vatican Palace. His school of Athens reveals a world of balance beauty and order. Michelangelo Buonarroti an accomplished painter sculptor and architect best known for his statue David. Northern Renaissance more intense emotion spiritual orientation painted by empirical observation of visual reality. Ferdinand and Isabella forced Catholicism important to culture of the time
Political/Diplomatic: The Italian states of the renaissance Five major powers Milan Venice Florence( the Medici) The Papal states Kingdom of Napals Independent city states Mantua Ferrara Urbino The Role of women Warfare in Italy struggle between France and Spain Invasion and division. The birth of modern diplomacy is a product of the Italian renaissance. Machiavelli and the new statecraft Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) The Prince acquisition, maintenance and expansion of political power Cesare Borgia. It was the era of the “new Monarchies”. In France, Louis XI (d. 1483), the spider, established a centralized state. England’s Henry VII (d. 1509) limited the private armies of the aristocracy, raised taxes, and left more powerful monarchy In Spain Isabella (d. 1504) and Ferdinand (d. 1516) created a professional army and enforced religious uniformity by the conversion and expulsion of Jews and Muslims. The Holy Roman Empire remained weak, but the Hapsburg emperors created strong state of their own through numerous marriages. There were no “new monarchies” in eastern Europe, but Russia’s Ivan II (d. 1505) ended Mongol control. Lastly in 1453 the Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople. The Papal states a dominate city state in Italy . Located in central Italy Somewhat in the political control of the popes . Renaissance Popes attempt to reestablish control over the Papal states. Balance of power was created to prevent aggrandizement of one state or another. Machiavelli’s the prince gave the best expression to political power sought during the Renaissance. Diplomatic post/missions. After Spanish victory lead sent to exile. ”New Monarchies are monarchies that are more powerful build bigger armies centralized authority and take power from the church. Ferdinand and Isabella were married in a dynastic not political marriage Two states maintain their own parliament worked to build strong centralized government for both states created and built the best army in Europe by the 16th century. Filled Royal council with middle class lawyers loyal to the monarch. At this time to be Spanish was to be Catholic. Spanish Inquisition was when Ferdinand and Isabella got rid of or converted all the Jews and Muslims in Spain. The Hapsburgs instituted dynastic marriages. Through marriages the Hapsburgs gained international power Rulers of France feared they would be surrounded by Hapsburgs. Ivan III was able to take advantage of dissention within the Mongols to through of their yoke by 1480. The two major forms of Renaissance government were Italian city states and Monarchies. The five dominate Italian city states were Florence Papal States Naples Milan and Venice. Italy- conflicts among city states prevented unification and caused wars among them. Foreign invaders took advantage France and Spain saw Italy as coveted land riches of Italy controlled by powerful ruling families. The concept of Ambassadors changed during the Renaissance from a person representing everyone from their country and for peace in general agents representing specific states (politics/diplomacy).Social/Economic: Economic Recovery Italian cities lose economic supremacy, Hanseactic League, Manufacturing such as textiles printing mining and metallurgy Banking Florence and the Medici. Social Changes in the renaissance The nobility: reconstruction of the aristocracy and aristocracy 2-3 percent of population. Bladassare Castiglione (1478-1529) the book of the courtier (1528) service to the prince. Peasants and Townspeople peasants- 85-90 percent of the population decline of manorial system and serfdom. Urban society- patriarchs, petty burglars, shopkeepers, artisans, guild masters, and guildsmen, the poor and unemployed and slaves. Family- husbands and wives: arrange marriages, Husband head of the household, Wife managed the household Children; childbirth. The c and social status- early renaissance artisan craftsmanship High Renaissance artisans as heroes. The Renaissance had a more secular and individualistic ethos than medieval society. It might best be seen as evolutionary in its urban and commercial community from the High Middle Ages. Hanesatic League Competed with the merchant from the Mediterranean, where the Venetians had a commercial empire. Peasants were still the vast majority, but serfdom and manorialism were dying out. An important minority were the inhabitants of towns and cities, with merchants and bankers at the apex and the unskilled workers at the bottom. The father or husband of the dictator dominated the extended family and marriages were arranged for social and economical advantage. Wives were much younger than their husbands, with their primary function to bear children; the mortality rate in childbirth and for infants and young children still remained high. Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth” Late 14th century early 15th century seen as both a continuation of Middle ages and as the beginning new era. Period of change and renew appreciation for classical civilization. Jacob Burkhardt exaggerated the era’s level of secularism and individualism. House of Medici became the greatest bank in Europe during the 15th century. Conodottieri mercenary soldiers that when not in active combat pillaged the country side. Liberal studies were thought to be the key to true freedom enabling humans to reach their full potential. The The Northern Renaissance movement more intense emotion spiritual orientation. Three estates 1st estate the clergy- people should be guided by spiritual ends, 2nd Estate the Nobility- nobles privileges from provided security and justice, 3rd Estate everyone else- Peasants and inhabitants of towns and villages. Slavery- For the most part, agriculture slavery in Europe was replaced by serfdom and had disappeared by the 11th century. Slavery reappeared in Spain through Christians and Muslims capturing prisoners during the Reconquista white and black slaves. By the end of the 15th century slavery had declined significantly due to humanist reasons expense and some of them found dangerous. Two characteristics of Renaissance society individualism and secularism. Without wealth the Renaissance does not happen. Renaissance Italy largely an urbane society commercial and political success.Cultural/Intellectual: Italian Renaissance Humanism Classical Revival Petrarch (1304-1374)Humanism in 15th century Italy humanism and Philosophy translation of Plato’s dialogues, Synthesis of Christian Platonism Renaissance Hermeticism. Educate, History, and Impact of printing Liberal studies history moral philosophy eloquence letters poetry mathematics astronomy and music education of women Aim of education was tom complete a citizen. Humanism and history Secularization the impact of printing movable type more books/textbooks the spread of printing. Leonardo da Vinci- Last supper Raphael-School of Athens Michelangelo- The Sistine chapel. Music in the Renaissance. the church in the Renaissance was dealing with a lot of heretics due to the humanists ideals. The church supported the renaissance artist. There was an increased emphasis upon the human. Among the influential humanists was Petrarch(d. 1374) in his advocacy of classical Latin writers. Civic humanism proposed that the ideal citizen was not only intellectual but also a patriot, actively serving the state, and humanist education was to produce individuals of virtue and wisdom. The printing press was perfected , multiplying the availability of books. In art, the aim was to imitate nature by the use of realistic perspective. Masaccio (d. 1428), Donatello (d. 1466) and Michael Angelo (d. 1519) made Florentine the focus of the arts. The High Renaissance of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci 9d. 1519) and Raphael (d.1520) combined natural realism with Platonic idealism. The artisan might become a great artist, and thus transform his social and economic status. The church besieged by problems. John Wycliff (d. 1384) and John Hus (d. 1415) condemned the papacy for corruption, its temporal concerns, and demanded the Bible in the vernacular. The popes reflected their era, and their secular involvements overshadowed their spiritual responsibilities. Some preferred war and politics to prayer and piety, and others ignored their vows of celibacy, ambitiously advancing their families over the needs of the faithful. Most were great patrons of the arts, but religious concerns ranked behind the pleasures of this life. High regard for Human dignity realization of human potential. Civic humanism was tied with civic pride, responsibility and spirit. Humanism was an intellectual movement based on the study of classical works of the Greeks and Romans. Humanists study the liberal arts. Neo-Platonism- merged Christianity and Platonism into a system. Postulated the idea of hierarchy of substances from lowest form of physical matter to the purest spirit, God. The High Renaissance was marked by increasing importance of Rome as the new cultural center of the Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci counseled the artist should use real objects in nature, not copies of other artists. Fifteenth century tradition of complete study of nature stressed the need to advance beyond realism. Emphasis was moved onto an idealistic form of nature. Raphael Sahzio was regarded a one of Italy’s finest artist at the age of 25. Acclaimed for his numerous madonnas, attempted ideal beauty above human standards. Welll known for his frescos in the Vatican Palace. His school of Athens reveals a world of balance beauty and order. Michelangelo Buonarroti an accomplished painter sculptor and architect best known for his statue David. Northern Renaissance more intense emotion spiritual orientation painted by empirical observation of visual reality. Ferdinand and Isabella forced Catholicism important to culture of the time