Each year, over 1 million children suffer the divorce of their parents. The number of children whose parents divorced grew by 700 percent from 1900 to 1972 (Davis). This increase, however, must be considered in connection with the increase in population. In the six years from 1900 to 1906 alone, population, as estimated, increased 10.5 % and divorces 30.3%. It appears that at the end of the six-year period that divorces were increasing about three times as fast as the population. However, in 1900, children of divorced parents were an oddity. Today they are the majority. That, in fact, may make divorce easier on the children today than the children of the yesteryears. Now, it is much more likely that they will have friends, mentors, and other family members, and even media that can relate to the situation at home, while most children of divorced families in 1900 only had themselves to see it through. All in all, children today have better means of adaptation to divorce than the children of 1900.
Next up for critiquing is the subject of child abuse. From 1900 to 1994, the number of child abuse cases increased 27%. However, that statistic is based solely on how many cases have actually been reported. Certainly, in 1900 child
Cited: Meltzer, Bradley. Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Underdiagnosed Problem. Chicago: CompanyLongName, 2004. Teachman, Jay D. The Childhood Living Arrangements of Children and the Characteristics of Their Lives. Journal of Family Issues 25 (January 2004): 86-111. Wallerstein, Judith and Sandra Blakeslee. Second Chances: Men, Women and Children A Decade After Divorce. New York: Ticknor and Fields, 1989.