Professor - - - - - -
English 101/B52
October 19, 2011
Today Versus 1900s Entertainment
There is a big difference in todays entertainment compared to the early 1900s,
and I would prefer todays entertainment. There is huge difference between nowadays
movies and the early 1900s. Today’s games are a lot more advanced due to
technology. TV and radio swapped popularity between the years. The world has
changed a lot between the years.
There is a huge difference between nowadays movies and the early 1900s.
Movies used to be a treat to go to and there would be people on stage preforming it for
you. There is not much of that left now. If I were to go to a movie theatre today and
watch a movie, …show more content…
there would be absolutely no people on a stage performing anything at
all in front of me. Instead, there would be a guy with a projector, pointing it at a white
screen to play a pre-recorded movie that only movie theatre’s get.
I personally do like
that better because of the fact that it makes the movies entertaining. I like the action,
shooting, killing, and all those things that can’t be done in real life kind of movies.
Without technology, there would be no way they could have half of the movies we have
today played out as well as they are, back in the early 1900s.
Todays games are a lot more advanced due to technology. Back in the early
1900s, they didn’t have video games or computers. People of the early 1900s played
board games and cards games for fun. With all the advances in technology we now
have video games. Whenever I want, I could turn on a computer or a game counsel and
play a game against the game itself. Back in the early 1900s, if I wanted to play a game
or cards, I would have to play with some physical person or play solitaire by myself.
TV and radio swapped popularity between the years. Before TV came out in
1926, radios were the biggest hit. Radios still were good and used more commonly then
TVs in the early 1900s because they were cheaper and they could hear the news about
presidents. TVs were mainly used for entertainment with game shows and funny
shows being the biggest hits. Nowadays TVs are more popular and more people use
them because everything a radio does, a TV can do too. I could watch the weather
instead of listening to some guy talk on the radio, also watch thousands of shows that
are on TV or get free movies On Demand.
Today and early 1900s entertainment differ a lot, and I would still choose todays
version. The movie theatre is so much more entertaining with action then with people
performing stuff on stage. Games became more fun because even being alone, I could
play against computers. The TV became more useful nowadays and the radio became
less useful because it mostly consists of music and people talking about nothing
important. Due to all the technology that took out all the things people used to have to
do themselves, I think todays entertainment is a lot better than early 1990s.