During this time, women has gained the right to vote and more freedom. Fashion was one of the main changes for women in the 1920’s. During this era, women began to free themselves from narrowing clothes for the first time and embracing more comfortable styles like short skirts which rose up to the knees. Some dresses were made to fit tight to emphasize youthful elegance. Some women tried to look young by choosing clothes that highlighted their curves and to make them look thin. Most clothes were made at home or by tailors. Not until the 1930’s, they could have boughten ready to wear clothes from department stores. They got pattern inspirations off magazines mainly for sewing. The clothing manufactures began to improve their clothes by increasing affordable clothes and was a demonstration for the next decade. Women wore cloche hats that became popular, which were worn above the eyes. Later, feathered headbands were popular. Their hair would be cut short into a bob or with curls. During 1923, the popular hairstyle was the shingle cut. Their hair would be flat and smooth on the top, parted, with curls at each ear. These women were known as the flappers. The way flappers dressed emphasized plain living, hard work, and
During this time, women has gained the right to vote and more freedom. Fashion was one of the main changes for women in the 1920’s. During this era, women began to free themselves from narrowing clothes for the first time and embracing more comfortable styles like short skirts which rose up to the knees. Some dresses were made to fit tight to emphasize youthful elegance. Some women tried to look young by choosing clothes that highlighted their curves and to make them look thin. Most clothes were made at home or by tailors. Not until the 1930’s, they could have boughten ready to wear clothes from department stores. They got pattern inspirations off magazines mainly for sewing. The clothing manufactures began to improve their clothes by increasing affordable clothes and was a demonstration for the next decade. Women wore cloche hats that became popular, which were worn above the eyes. Later, feathered headbands were popular. Their hair would be cut short into a bob or with curls. During 1923, the popular hairstyle was the shingle cut. Their hair would be flat and smooth on the top, parted, with curls at each ear. These women were known as the flappers. The way flappers dressed emphasized plain living, hard work, and