Vanessa Martins Lamb
To cite this version:
Vanessa Martins Lamb. The 1950’s and the 1960’s and the American Woman : the transition from the ”housewife” to the feminist. 2011, pp.106. <dumas-00680821>
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Université du Sud Toulon-Var
UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines
Master civilisations contemporaines et comparées
The 1950’s and 1960’s and the American
Woman: the transition from the “housewife” to the feminist
Vanessa Martins Lamb
Directeur de recherche : Michel Van der Yeught
Juin 2011
To my parents, Selma and Sérgio.
1. The American woman in the 1950’s: from the
“ideal woman” to the “woman in crisis”
1.1. The American Way of Life” and women in the 1950’s
1.2. Building the ideology of the “ideal woman” as “housewife”
1.3. The identity crisis of the housewife in the late 1950’s: looking for a new role in society
2. The search for a new feminine ideal in the 1960’s, from the newly emancipated
American woman to the feminist
2.1. “There’s something missing”: from women’s individual crises to the collective awareness of their common condition
2.2. The revival of a Movement and the development of Egalitarian Feminism
2.3. The Egalitarian Feminist Revolution
References: 2. 1950’s Advertisements of household products 3