“New religious movements are divided into five sets: groups associated with various Asian traditions of philosophy, groups associated with with the American human potential movement in popular psychology, groups associated with various forms of occult revival, so-called New Age groups, and groups that think their salvation depends on contact with UFOS and aliens.” (Dawson, 2006, Pg. 2). Cults gained a lot of people interest by furthering ideals on what the followers believed in. However, every great thing must come to an end.
A terminology once associated with religion has changed over the course of years. Cults are now associated with violence due to the repetitive tragedy that surrounds new religious movements. Cult followers are trained to follow their leader even if it is something that they know is wrong. “Cult members actually suspend their rational thought processes to do whatever the group leader asks them, even if it involves murder or suicide” (Dawson, 2006, Pg.5). The perfect example of this kind of behavior will be Jonestown in Guyana, South