Winston is older than Julia. He has some personal memories from before the party. For example, he remembers his mother and sister, he remembers playing and fighting with his mother. These sorts of memories might be part of the reason he had not conformed to the party’s ideals. Winston had not had too much experience in rebelling. He had always had a different mind set than the rest of his comrades, but until he wrote ‘down with Big Brother’ in his diary, he had not openly rebelled. Winston’s reasoning for rebellion are not at all shallow. He is capable of seeing the full picture and recognizing what is wrong with it. He himself knows that he will most likely not live to see the fall of Big Brother himself but he has hope for the future of humanity. Winston believes that one day, in the future, the world will change and become a better place. As Winston once said ‘If there is hope, it must lie in the proles’. Winston hopes that one day they will become concious of their mass and overthrow the party.Because Winston works in the ministry of truth, he recognizes that the party falsify documents, data and information. The people who do this job are automaticly expected to forget what they have done thanks to doublethink, but Winston never forgets. ‘I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification …show more content…
Unlike Winston Julia does not have memories of her past. The only knowledge she has of a time before the party is from her grandfather, who dissapeared when she was 8. Julia, unlike other party women, is full of life and energy. But unlike Winston she does not have a deep rebellious purpous. Her reasons for opposing the party are purely selfish. She only rebelles in the areas that make her life better. For example, stealing food. She is very intuitive and thanks to that, she was able to find Winston. ‘It was something in your face. I thought I'd take a chance. I'm good at spotting people who don't belong. As soon as I saw you I knew you were against them.’ Julia is a very sexually ative woman, something that is not acceptable in the party, and uses her sexuality to get what she wants. She once even told Winston, that she had slept with hundreds of older men. Julia is very skilled at staying undercover. She blends in perfectly with her comrades and acts like model citizen. She is extremely smart and is very careful when planning her next move. Even though she is younger, Winston looks up to her. Julia wants to enjoy her life as much as she can before she is