
1984 By George Orwell: Summary

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1984 By George Orwell: Summary
Setting George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984 takes place in the fictional country of Oceania one of the three world superpowers, along with Eurasia and Eastasia, the war between the countries is constant. A revolutionized London, England renamed Air Strip One is the totalitarian capital of Oceania in which protagonist Winston Smith resides dissatisfied. The pyramidal government ministries of names matching with the propagandic slogan, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”, are the backdrops to most scenes. Air Strip One’s filth is suggestive of the government’s contempt for the welfare of its citizens. This is the result of the revolution in which the fundamental principles and core values of the ideology called Ingsoc, where …show more content…
Widespread dependency on “victory” gin and cigarettes take their toll on Smith’s appearance carving deep creases in his cheeks and difficulty during the daily group exercises. Winston is in a constant state of paranoia and fear, he attempts to plaster the same expression of “hopeful optimism (pg.34)” to avoid suspicion from the telescreen. The telescreen emits propaganda and “although the sound it can be dimmed it can never be turned off (pg.65 )”, thus, subconscious worries of being watched grow. Also, when workmate Julia he experiences “black terror (pg.103)” as he suspects her of being a member of the thought police. One characteristic that ends up being Winston’s downfall is curiosity and obedience, as he grew up before the party was in power he has vague recollections and attempts to inquire the proles and obtain products from that time like the paperweight. In addition, Winston searches the remaining lines to complete Mr.Charrington’s “Oranges and Lemons

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