After a ninety-hour workweek, Winston is exhausted. In the middle of Hate Week, Oceania has switched enemies and allies in the ongoing war, heaping upon Winston a tremendous amount of work to compensate for the change. At one rally, the speaker is forced to change his speech halfway through to point out that Oceania is not, and has never been, at war with Eurasia. Rather, the speaker says, Oceania is, and always has been, at war with Eastasia. The people become embarrassed about carrying the anti-Eurasia signs and blame Emmanuel Goldstein’s agents for sabotaging them. Nevertheless, they exhibit full-fledged hatred for Eastasia.…
1984, by George Orwell, comes off as very bleak and grey, as it was intended to be portrayed to the reader. This helps us to understand that the world Winston Smith is living in is grey, depressing and overall quite commonplace. A place where he always has to look over his shoulder to make sure that the omnipotent Big Brother won't catch a minor slip of a few choice words or see him flirt with the woman across the way. Orwell successfully accomplishes this through his use of literary methods.…
In Oceania when you step out of line, you will be punished accordingly. That is the message George Orwell tries to get across to his reader in 1984. Since that is the notion he is trying to get his reader to understand as the author in this book, he obeys that rule as well. Orwell uses many literary devices and techniques such as symbolism, metaphors, tone, allusions, and many more… to make the reader understand what kind of society Winston is living in.…
Take Jane Addams for example. Ms. Addams took advantage of the improved climate towards the female opinion by writing about social injustice and war. This is a zenith in women’s literature where the prose of women is judged on the content of their writing instead of the gender behind the hand that wrote it. During this time frame we also see great work being done by the likes of Emily Dickenson and a revolution in appreciation for Jane Austen’s work. We see during the middle 1800’s the women’s suffrage movement relying on the excellent works and efforts from the previous 40 years of women advocates to invigorate their zeal for progression, unifying the…
In George Orwell's "1984", Winston Smith and Julia live in Oceania, where their actions become a subversive force that the "Party" must control. Oceania, located in Europe, represents a totalitarian society in its purest form during the 1940s. Many aspects of Wilson's and Julia's daily life in Oceania are monitored and controlled by the "Party." From the telescreen to the thought police, every action is under constant surveillance. In order to rebel against Big Brother, Winston and Julia commit a series of crimes without knowing that O'Brian, a member of the Inner Party, is watching them intently. O'Brian then deceives Winston and Julia into believing that he is part of the revolutionary group called the Brotherhood. Winston and Julia's betrayal becomes inevitable after their capture because of the psychological supremacy of O'Brian and the Party. Winston's physical and mental torture and brainwashing by O'Brian and the Ministry of Truth in the name of the Party is what ultimately leads to his psychological break down.…
You cannot avoid it, you cannot out run it, you cannot fight it, there is no escaping. You can stand staring directly into a mirror for hours on end, but you will never see your reflection. And as you absorb the world around you, your mind will grow tired, your eyes will become blurry,…
“On it was was written, in large unformed handwriting: I love you.”(p. 108). Construct an argument based on whether or not Julia and Winston truly love each other.…
Over more than 150 years ago, women were portrayed as a weaker being, according to the men’s perspective. Women were classified as inferior to men and positioned to a life of a housewife. In fact, all women were supposed to stay home and supported the family whilst the men go to war. In the past, women did not have the rights to vote or take part in political views, while some of the other places of the continents were even forbid to leave her home. . .Until one day, one woman decided it was time to call for some drastic measures. Gloria Steinem took the initiation as a Women’s Rights Activist and protested for equal rights and women’s liberation.…
All societies are controlled by their government in many different ways. Many societies are controlled by a democratic government, while other societies are controlled by dictatorship. These styles of government both have pros and cons. The passage from "1984" by George Orwell distinctly shows that society is a horrible and harmful place to live in because there are certain rules that people have to follow. "It was Mrs. Parsons, the wife of a neighbor on the same floor (" Mrs was a word somewhat discountenanced by the Party- you were supposed to call everyone "comrade"- but with some women one used it instinctively)"( Orwell paragraph 2). In this part of the passage, it is told that there are rules that are needed to be followed in society,…
In the novel 1984, author George Orwell makes many predictions as to what society would conform to in the year 1984. Although these predictions are jurassic and farfetched, many of Orwell's predictions are expressed in our modern day American society. 1984 showcases the empowerment of a totalitarian government. The main Character, Winston, lives in a society where the government controls every aspect of his life, ranging from his food to his razor portions, and even his thoughts.…
The first article, Search Engine Agendas by Gary Anthes is based on how the internet can redirect your political views by giving pleasant or unpleasant, information or news on a platform you’re searching up. The author, Gary Anthes, is a technology writer and editor based in Arlington, Virginia therefore he is able to speak about this topic because of the research he implements into his written article. Right away in the first paragraph, Gary gives a summary of the main ideas of George Orwell’s novel, 1984. One of the ideas presented in 1984 is of the invisible entity that manipulates the truth and perspectives of citizens without their acknowledgement. The author compares this idea to today’s internet because search engines…
When she tells the audience her grandmother was born just three years after women won the right to vote and that she herself was born only because Roe v. Wade was not yet decided (para. 2), she reminds readers that women have only recently earned the right to equality and the ability to make choices regarding their own bodies. Several times she suggests that a female president is what all generations of women have dreamed of and it is the next step to “laying dynamite on centuries of white patriarchy” (para. 8). By bringing up feminist ideas such as these, she evokes emotion in the audience and makes it seem as if a woman is the only hope to continue making change. From there she builds on the feeling of American pride and patriotism to give the idea that it would be great not just for women but America in…
The second provision in article 11 explains that individuals cannot be charged with a crime, if it was not an offense under national or international law. In addition, no stricter penalty can be enforced than the one that was suitable at the time. Although Winston declares, “…This is not illegal (nothing was illegal since there were no longer any laws) but if detected it was reasonably certain that it would be punished by death, or at least by twenty-five years in forced labor camp” (Orwell, 6). Winston says this when he begins writing the first pages of his diary, coincidently this is when he begins to commit thoughtcrime. Nevertheless, to BigBrother and the Inner Party all actions that should and should not be deemed a criminal act is seen in their eyes is in fact breaking the law. Although there were no laws on the books that explicitly specified that actions were illegal, actions…
Technology has strived through history to make what it is today. To the making of the wheel, cotton gin, to the first transportation system in America. A particular piece of new technology, the smartphone, allows communication through two screens and permits audio. This has particularly brought to attention because of its similarity to George Orwell’s 1984 telescreens. In the book, an authoritarian government ruled by Big Brother controls its people by various telescreens planted around various places, hidden to the eye. Shown by the quote, “Big Brother is watching you,” the setting in 1984 is ruled by fear. An alarming question brought upon us is, “are we reaching a similar setting as George Orwell’s imagination?” Although there may be important counterarguments, the answer to that question is no.…
Lucille Roybal-Allard said, “Even though some in our government may claim that civil liberties must be compromised in order to protect the public, we must be wary of what we are giving up in the name of fighting terrorism”. In the dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell, the citizens in the community have no rights whatsoever and the society is in terrible shape. It is unnecessary to sacrifice civil liberties in order to live in a safe, egalitarian society because the people will not be equal and safe if the right against unreasonable search and seizure, freedom of speech, and right to privacy are altered.…