In George Orwell's "1984", Winston Smith and Julia live in Oceania, where their actions become a subversive force that the "Party" must control. Oceania, located in Europe, represents a totalitarian society in its purest form during the 1940s. Many aspects of Wilson's and Julia's daily life in Oceania are monitored and controlled by the "Party." From the telescreen to the thought police, every action is under constant surveillance. In order to rebel against Big Brother, Winston and Julia commit a series of crimes without knowing that O'Brian, a member of the Inner Party, is watching them intently. O'Brian then deceives Winston and Julia into believing that he is part of the revolutionary group called the Brotherhood. Winston and Julia's betrayal becomes inevitable after their capture because of the psychological supremacy of O'Brian and the Party. Winston's physical and mental torture and brainwashing by O'Brian and the Ministry of Truth in the name of the Party is what ultimately leads to his psychological break down.…