February 28, 2014
1984 Part 2 Analysis
Many significant events occur during Part 2 of 1984, that really steer the story on path toward its unexpected end. The first three chapters of part 2 establish an ardent love affair between Winston and a sensual, dark-haired, fellow rebel Julia. He finds a partner in his quest against the party and is no longer alone. Both Julia and Winston are against the party, but have different attitudes about the future. Julia rebels constantly in her own ways, but does not imagine tearing the government down or even having a successful rebellion. All she wishes is to live as long as possible defying the Party more each day, without getting caught. Winston’s outlook is pessimistic, believing he’ll be arrested and will die eventually. He embraces fatalism but is still hopeful about a better future in Oceania without the Party.
Julia and Winston have several meetings throughout these chapters as well, that really intensify their hatred and defiance against the dreaded Party. On their first meeting in a town square, they witness a procession of foreign prisoners at war and see the capacity of brutality and violence that the Party holds. They purposely parade the prisoners really as sources of propaganda, masterfully manipulating the minds of the subjects. The Party controls citizens by not allowing contact to anything outside of Oceania. They can’t compare situations and have no choice but to be satisfied with their unpleasant lives. They portray the only foreigners in Oceania to be prisoner strategically making an impression of how bad the world outside must be. Winston and Julia first and foremost defy the Party by ignoring its hatred of sexual attraction and enjoyment. Julia introduces Winston to sex as a “political act” and explains she has being taking part in it smudging the flawless picture of the Party’s order whenever she can. Winston is excited by this and is eager to join her movement. During their