medium stripped of their personal dignity meanwhile checked to ascertain any foreign objects on their person for fraudulent activity, would be demeaning. Why did people become engrossed in physical mediumship?
Why was it different at that time as it took years of sitting and developing? The public show was on a tremendous scale, validating life after death, furthermore frauds engaged in these public displays were investigated for their authenticity. The mediums sat in darkened cabinets, building up the ectoplasm, this allowed the understanding of the observers witness first hand the departed persons attire, features finally articulation coming from direct voice. The people loved the frenzied excitement of the séances equally important the public displays. Through the last three centuries, leading us to people in the afterlife was paramount proving life after death. Spirit confirming that death is only a transition from the physical into the spiritual world, additionally giving us the confirmation of survival carrying on our progression learning and knowledge in the spirit realm. “In many instances, such communication is of the utmost value and help to both of the parties concerned”. (p77, The Return of Arthur Conan Doyle). This will give us faith and hope for our future that we are part of the universal
When in the first place the opinions of the people, was sceptical, searching for confirmation. At that point, the audience treated it as an amusement additionally delight. This necessary part of our history, to have physical mediumship to turn around peoples thoughts, furthermore behaviours to something other than the mainstream rigid religion through the centuries. The communication with the dearly departed, ladies considered witches punished by burning at the stake or imprisoned. Helen Duncan a Scottish medium the last person known to be condemned under the witchcraft law in the 20th Century. Fortunately for us that these Mediums devoted their lives, moreover dedicated time to sit together to study, physical mediumship to change the perception along with their beliefs of the people around for us to have the freedom of expression of our own ideas and our religion Spiritualism.
Overall through the centuries, physical mediums have proven without a doubt that, their main aspiration was to demonstrate life after death, furthermore, the soul does survive, even to the detriment of their own lives. These Mediums invested time, dedication in physically showing us the proof of survival, finally being privileged to be part of this religion.